first day | POBLET

Posts Tagged“first day”


Hi everyone! Yesterday, our students arrived at Poblet and after having a delicious lunch, they carried on doing the level test. This test shows the level of each student so teachers can make their classes. After that, students ate their snack and went with their monitor for getting to know each other: they played some dynamic games, they talked about themselves… Before having a shower, all the kids went to the swimming pool: they had an amazing time there and they started to meet new people while they were playing. When all the students had showered, they had dinner and…

¡Buenos días papás y mamás! Ayer dimos comienzo al segundo turno de los campamentos de ingles en Poblet. Tras terminar el check-in con el correspondiente monitor y dejar a vuestros hijos nuestra directora indicó las normas de La Capella a las que todos escuchamos con mucha atención. A continuación nos dirigimos al comedor para empezar la primera comida del turno, nuestras maravillosas cocineras nos prepararon arroz con tomate y unos muslos de pollo al horno, ¡todo delicioso! Tras la primera comida del turno de los campamentos de verano hicimos la presentación de monitores, equipo directivo y teachers, luego estos últimos se encargaron de realizar…