campamentos de inglés | Blog Vallclara

Posts Tagged“campamentos de inglés”

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Apreciada familia, Se ha acabado el verano 2019 y en nombre de la Familia Fleix, el personal de oficina, el equipo directivo, teachers, monitores, MPs y de todo el personal de cocina, limpieza, mantenimiento y administración de English Summer S.A, queremos agradecer que nos hayáis confiado vuestros hijos durante este verano. Cuando en el verano de 1980 nuestra fundadora Margaret Wright empezó a dar clases de inglés a 15 niños de Tarragona en la casa de Vallclara, pocos pensaban que casi 40 años después estaríamos despidiendo otro verano inolvidable lleno de emociones, amigos y aprendizaje. Ya sois más de 50.000 las familias que nos habéis acompañado en este viaje, y si hoy…

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Good morning parents! Hoy ha sido silence breakfast, durante el desayuno de hoy nadie ha hablado por lo que hemos podido desayunar tranquilamente.  Al acabar el desayuno, como cada mañana nos hemos ido a asear y a clase. This first period is the last class before the exam, so everyone is studying so hard to get the best mark. After the break time it was exam’s time!! The exam went so well, and everybody got the marks that have expected. Durante la hora de comer tuvimos tiempo para hablar con nuestros monitores acerca del examen y de que sensaciones habíamos tenido mientras lo…

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Good morning parents! Today is Portaventura and Costa Caribe day! Today is one of the day that most of our students are waiting for. Esta mañana nos hemos levantado con la gran ilusión de ir a Portaventura, después de una gran semana de trabajo es nuestro momento de diversión total. Hemos comido en la cantina mejicana de Portaventura y después para poder hacer la digestión, hemos ido a ver un espectáculo. We had so much fun. Durante todo el día hemos estado haciendo paradas para hidratarnos mucho y ponernos crema solar. En Costa Caribe nos hemos tirado por todos los toboganes y hemos…


Wakey wakey rise and shine parents! Esta mañana no ha habido actividades mañaneras porque hemos tenido un desayuno especial. English breakfast! We had eggs, bacon, sausages and beans. Cuando terminamos de desayunar nos fuimos a las habitaciones a ponernos las camisetas blancas del campamento, ya que es el día de fotos. Cada alumno fue con su monitor y MP a hacerse una foto y después hicimos una foto grupal con monitores, teachers, Mp’s y directivos. Say froggy!!! During the English clases, our students took pictures with their respectives teachers and classmates. During free time, students have to play the world championship…


Dear Parents the term is nearly finished and all the students are enjoying so much the last days in Vallclara, we are having an amazing parties and moments all together. Yesterday we had another incredible day, we started having an outdoor breakfast where all the kids were eating all the bakery and juices we prepared for them. Everyone had a place around the garden to be with their friends and have breakfast together. Here in English Summer, on Fridays is Exam day and all the students were a little bit nervious to see how would go. We know they did…


Hello to everyone!! Welcome back to our blog. Today’s post we’ll be explaining the incredible day we had yesterday. We started the day by having an especial breakfast, we had a pijama’s breakfast!!! Everyone was wearing their pijamas in the dinning room and it was so funny!! Afterwards the day was progressing normally, we did the English classes, then we had lunch and finally it was swimming pool time. We had a surprise before going to the pool, it was time for the floam party!!! We went to the tennis court and we put music and of course the floam!…


Good morning to all of you!!! Hope you are having a nice week, here in vallclara we are amazed on how good everything is going. Yesterday it was a really warm day so we were all day hydriting ourselves and being all day in the shade. The day started warming up with the super cool Froggy Games at 8:15 0’clock in the morning. We did the everday schedule, English classes, Clubs, and…. instead of doing the olympic games, we did Athletics!!   After coming from the clubs, we did some disciplines such as javelin, long jump, shot put and activity…


Hello to everyone!! welcome back to our everyday new blog! Here in vallclara the temperature has increased a little bit but this won’t stop us to keep having fun as always. Yesterday, the day started really calm with a special breakfast, we did a silence breakfast so everyone stayed in silence in the dinning room. they did it really well. Afterwords the day continued as always, at 10:00h the first class, then a lillte break to have a snack that it can be either a fruit or something from the bar. Later we had lunch and we ate checkpeas and…


Hello everyone!! Welcome to Vallclara’s blog, here we’ll be posting everyday the activities and the highlights of the day. You will be able to see all the potos that we take every day in your Costumer Area. You can also follow us in our social networks as Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. As soon you, parents, left your children with us, they went with their teachers to do the level exam. Once they finished, the groups monitors got reunited to start knowing each other better. At 20:30 it was dinner time. During the meals the kids have an English teacher to encourage them…

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Good morning parents!! On these beautiful day we woke up with a lot of energy!! We had breakfast and we were ready to start the day. Nos ordenamos las habitaciones y nos fuimos a clase de inglés, pues no teníamos tiempo que perder. Nos lo pasamos en grande la clase de inglés con las teachers. After english class we went directly to dinnig room to eat the amazing lunch the coockers had prepared for us. We refill our stamchs and we were free to go and have some free time. Al acabar nuestro tiempo libre volvimos a clase donde nos…