English Summer | Blog Vallclara

Posts Tagged“English Summer”

WhatsApp Image 2019-08-24 at 12.42.32

Buenos diiiiiias!!! Hoy es dia de Portaventura. Today we have woken earlier to enjoy the mosth the day. The excursion to Portaventura is one of the most awaited for. For those who are staying in Portaventura We left the house very early. And by 12:30, we are having lunch in La Cantina Mejicana. fter having lunch, we are going to watch a performance and do the digestion. Al acabar de ver el espectáculo, continuaremos en el parque hasta que sea hora de irse. Nos lo estamos pasando super bien y estajmos haciendo paradas para hidratarnos y ponernos protección solar.   For…


Dear Parents the term is nearly finished and all the students are enjoying so much the last days in Vallclara, we are having an amazing parties and moments all together. Yesterday we had another incredible day, we started having an outdoor breakfast where all the kids were eating all the bakery and juices we prepared for them. Everyone had a place around the garden to be with their friends and have breakfast together. Here in English Summer, on Fridays is Exam day and all the students were a little bit nervious to see how would go. We know they did…


Good morning to all of you!!! Hope you are having a nice week, here in vallclara we are amazed on how good everything is going. Yesterday it was a really warm day so we were all day hydriting ourselves and being all day in the shade. The day started warming up with the super cool Froggy Games at 8:15 0’clock in the morning. We did the everday schedule, English classes, Clubs, and…. instead of doing the olympic games, we did Athletics!!   After coming from the clubs, we did some disciplines such as javelin, long jump, shot put and activity…

Oscar's Night

Good morning to everyone!! Hope you are enjoying your week! Here in Vallclara we are not wasting our time and we are all day long having fun and learning English. Yesterday it was a very special day in Vallclara, it was the formal dress night and the kids were really excited for the party. To start the day in a different way we wake up and we went to the dinning room and we had a special breakfast, we had the «reverse breakfast» and everyone was wearing their clothes and walking backwards. The English clases are going fantastic and the…


Good morning families! Ayer nos despertamos bien pronto por la mañana, y ya pudimos sentir lo que se avecinaba: calor. Estamos bajo una ola de calor y se prevé que dure dos días más, así que decidimos cambiar el programa de actividades para combatirlo. Breakfast time! We had outdoor breakfast yesterday: chocolate pastry, donnuts and fruit. We ate all together on the picnic tables and then we went to brush our teeth. Class time everybody! It is the last day of proper class today, because tomorrow the kids have their exam. ¡A tomar un snack! Repartimos a los niños manzanas,…


Good morning parents, Los niños se levantan, se lavan la cara y se preparan para ir a desayunar. After jogging, jumping and running to the dinning room, we had breakfast. Fruit, cereals and croissants to recharge batteries.  Después de hacer la cama, ordenar habitaciones y dejarlo todo limpio, los niños fueron a clase y el staff de monitores empezó a preparar el día en los campamentos de inglés de English Summer SA. Hope you’re feeling hungry because it´s lunch time! Canneloni, nuggets with mediteranian vegetables and fruit.  Los teachers nos comentaron que siguen impresionados con el alto nivel que reina en este turno. Una vez…


Good morning parents, Ayer abríamos los ojos de buena mañana con una sonrisa en la cara ¡es imposible no hacerlo en estos campamentos de verano! Alumnos, monitores, equipo directivo y teachers fuimos todos a desayunar. Strawberry Jam Sandwich, chocolate cereals and orange juice. Al acabar nos lavamos los dientes y empezaron las clases. We couldn’t face the class with an empty stomach, so we had lunch with our monitor group while we talked about those difficulties each level had and how to overcome them.  ¡Y llegó la clase! Por la cara de los niños al salir de las clases y lo que nos contaron,…


Hello there parents! Today is the day! El sol brilla en Vallclara. Hoy es el primer día del turno en los campamentos de English Summer. ¡Esperar todo el año ha dado sus frutos! We have everything ready to start the term, the only thing that is missing is you. Here we go! Let’s start the Exclusive Camp. A las cuatro de la tarde, los niños y las familias han empezado a llegar. We were looking forward to meet you! Después de conocernos, darnos dos besos y un abrazo, instalarnos en las habitaciones y pasar por el check-in, nos hemos reunido delante…


Good morning everyone!!! Yesterday in the English Summer Camp of Vallclara when we woke up we had a very special surprise! We had Outdoor Breakfast!!! Donde pudimos disfrutar de un desayuno un poco diferente al aire libre. Los alumnos estaban un poco nerviosos because it was the exam day. Pero a todos les fue muy bien!!! Por la tarde, fuimos como cada tarde a la piscina y después de merendar nos pusimos a hacer la maleta porque ya se acerca el final del turno. De 19h a 20h, cuando ya no hacia tanta calor, aprovechamos para hacer la ultima rotación de…


Good morning families! Yesterday in the English Summer SA Camp of Vallclara  we had a special breakfast in which the condition of getting food was to wear our pijama’s on!!! Afterwards we changed to our casual clothes to go to our English Lessons!!! Al acabar de comer y hacer la ultima clase de inglés del día fuimos a la piscina como cada día aunque el tiempo no nos permitió disfrutar de un baño soleado. Llegó la hora de hacer un poco de deporte ya que estamos en la recta final de los Olympic Games y tenemos todos muchas ganas de conocer…