Ireland | El Blog de English Summer S.A. – Campamentos de inglés en verano | Página 2

Posts Tagged“Ireland”


Good morning families!! Yesterday was an extremely cool day! We had the half day tour to Bulters Chocolate Factory with the ATC Activity leader (Austin)! Children had their breakfast as usually and took their three hours lessons. After some free time, we had lunch and got ready for the excursion. The bus picked up us at 14:30 and drove us to the magic factory. The kids spent the whole trip singing so it seemed shorter. Once there the children had to dress up as chocolate workers. They all were very funny! We had a short film about chocolate’s history and…


Hello families! Welcome back to the Irish adventure Yesterday was a very complete day! As usually, we woke up around 8:00 to have a nice breakfast to charge our batteries for the English lessons. At 9:00 all kids were in their respective classes ready to learn a lot of things. Meanwhile ATC monitors started preparing the afternoon program activities. At 12:30 English classes were over and children had their lunch! Chicken, hamburgers, pasta with tomato sauce and cheese, salad, eggs… and of course a variety of potato dishes! This is Ireland guys! After the lunch time, the kids enjoyed their…


Hey there! I’m back with more news! Today was Monday, so the kids started their first routine day. At 9:00 am, very punctually, there were split into different classes to do the English test. It lasted 2 hours, and it included a grammar test a reading and a little speaking interview. Teachers corrected the exams as fast as possible, and at 11:30 children were told their respective levels. From 11:30 to 12:30 they had the first class! At 12:30 – 13:00 we had lunch and thereafter kids could choose between sports or Arts & Grafts and drama. English Summer guys…


Hello families! Welcome back to the blog! Sorry for the delay, we had some troubles with the Wi-Fi connections, and it was impossible to upload the blog. Anyway… on Sunday kids learned a lot of new things about Ireland! We had the ‘Full Day Tour’ at the National Heritage Park in Wexford with the ATC Activities Leader (Jack). Wexford is a town that was founded by the Vikings in about 800 AD, and to get there had to took a 2 hours bus to the south of Ireland! When we arrived, the children had lunch and enjoyed a tour at…


Hello everyone!! Saturday was a great day! It was the ‘Free day with Group leaders’ from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, so we decided to go to Dublin! After an energetic breakfast we got ready, we took the meal that Rathdown had prepared for us, and we all met at Palmer’s hall (the meeting point at the school) at 10:30. Austin, one of the ATC monitors came with us. He is studying mechanical engineering at Trinity College, so he knows very well Dublin city. He was our guide! We walked to the Glenageary train station to took the train that…


Dear Parents, Yesterday was a long journey! With a mixture of nerves and magic we landed in Ireland an hour and a half later than it was expected. The flight was long and tiring, but the kids were happy and exited. They spent the whole bus trip from the airport to the school observing and commenting how different Ireland was from our home. We had a great welcoming in Rathdown school. As we hadn’t eaten much since breakfast, and kids were starving, the kitchen staff prepared a delicious meal for us; Ham and cheese sandwich, crisps, chocolate and an apple.…


Y después de un maravilloso verano, ¡ha llegado el día de desvelar los nombres de los ganadores del concurso #MySummerExperience 2016! Este concurso está destinado a todos los alumnos que este verano han realizado uno de nuestros Cursos de idiomas en el extranjero. En un post anterior os explicábamos cómo participar en el concurso y algunos detalles más. Como ya os contamos, “My summer experience” se divide en dos categorías distintas: 1. BEST PHOTOGRAPHY : Cuelga fotografías de tu estancia en el extranjero en tu cuenta de Instagram con el hashtag #MySummerExperience  y etiqueta nuestra cuenta @englishsummersa. La foto que consiga más likes será la ganadora.…

12 3 copia

Nuestros chicos y chicas de Waterford (Irlanda) ya llevan 12 días viviendo esta aventura, ¡cómo pasa el tiempo! Jorge, el monitor acompañante, nos cuenta todo lo que hicieron durante el día de ayer: «Good morning! Esta mañana, nos hemos levantado ya con una sensación de mariposas en el estómago. Y es que la actividad de la tarde no era para menos. Tras las clases matinales y la comida, los alumnos se han dirigido rápidamente a sus habitaciones para prepararse las mochilas. Bañador, toalla y segundo calzado. ¿Os imagináis por dónde van los tiros? En esta ocasión, nos hemos dirigido al…

2nd day 3

Ayer se completó el segundo día de aventura para nuestros alumnos de Newtown School, el nuevo Curso en el extranjero con monitor acompañante. El monitor, Jorge Sebastián, nos detalla cada día cómo se desarrollan las jornadas, veamos qué hicieron nuestros chicos y chicas durante el día de ayer: «Wake up!!! Hoy, un poco antes que ayer (por ser entre semana), los alumnos se han levantado y han recargado las pilas tanto como han podido en el desayuno para enfrentarse a la prueba de nivel de inglés. Según los resultados obtenidos en la misma, los alumnos se distribuirán en 3 grupos…


Como ya dijimos en el último post de ¿Qué pasa este fin de semana en English Summer S.A?, el pasado weekend empezó la aventura de los Cursos de Idiomas en el Extranjero para 56 alumnos. Los 22 que se iban a Dublín (Newtown School), fueron con Jorge, nuestro monitor acompañante quién ya nos ha hecho llegar sus primeras experiencias con los alumnos: «¡Comenzamos nuestra aventura en Newtown! Tras un agotador viaje que, entre facturaciones, retrasos y esperas duró prácticamente un día entero, por fin estamos en nuestro colegio en Waterford. El día ha comenzado pronto, a las 8 de la…