Kilkenny College | El Blog de English Summer S.A. – Campamentos de inglés en verano | Página 2

Posts Tagged“Kilkenny College”


Hello! It’s already Thursday, and the weather is happening fast! We are all enjoying the classes very much, because it is easier to learn English when you are having a great time, having fun with our new friends. Our level of conversation has improved a lot since we have to speak English at all times to communicate with people of other nationalities. The food was delicious! It was a fun afternoon, where we learned to play different games we did not know. We have also practiced other more traditional sports such as volleyball, soccer, badminton and tennis. Therefore, it has…


Hello again! Today has been a fantastic day!! Keep doing a great time, 26 ºC more or less, we can leave our jackets and sweatshirts in the closet and continue using shorts. As always, we have woken up at 7 in the morning, we have dressed and gone to breakfast. Charged with energy we have gone to class, the topics of today have dealt with «School life» and «Miths & Legends”. After class we had lunch and we had a bit of time to brush our teeth and prepare well for the excursion. In a single file we have walked…


Good morning families, We have arrived at Kilkenny College at 7pm, so the long trip allowed us to know each other better and start doing new friends. Kilkenny staff have explained us all the College rules, and later showed us  all the facilities and our bedrooms. We have accommodated well in our rooms, leaving them ready and organized to spend in this school the two best summer weeks. So we are ready to live an unforgettable experience. After unpacking the bags and knowing very well the rules, during the evening some of us have played tennis and football while others…


KILKENNY (IRLANDA) ¡Curso con vuelo y monitor acompañante incluido! El colegio está ubicado en Kilkenny, a 135km al sur de Dublín.  Kilkenny es una ciudad conocida por ser la capital medieval de Irlanda, con una población de 20.000 habitantes, es de las ciudades más acogedoras y seguras del país, conocida también por sus edificios de piedra negra. Kilkenny College es uno de los colegios residenciales más modernos y grandes de Irlanda.  Las instalaciones cuentan con clases bien euqipadas, alojamiento en habitaciones espaciosas y funcionales y una gran cantidad de instalaciones deportivas que incluyen un gimnasio, pistas de baloncesto, tenis, bádminton, futbol (cubierta…