campamento de inglés | POBLET

Posts Tagged“campamento de inglés”


Hi parents! Welcome to English Summer and to our camp in Poblet! This week seems to be amazing and we are sure that our students will enjoy a lot these days in La Capella! Yesterday, our students came to English Summer, most of them were here for their first time and others had been there last summer. They arrived and organized their stuff and after that, they started to meet each other. At 19:00 p.m. , kids went to classrooms to do their level test and as they were finishing, they went to the basketball court to listen our directors…

Hello parents! The weekend has arrived to La Capella. Yesterday, we started the day with Froggy games to get active. Then we went to class as usual and they reviewed the lessons because they were taking the English test after the break. They were a bit nervous at first but they managed to do it very well. Buenos días papás y mamás! El fin de semana ha llegado a la Capella. Ayer vuestros hijos e hijas realizaron el test de inglés que hacen todos los viernes y les fue muy bien! After an intense morning of classes we all went…


Good morning parents! Yesterday we had an intense day here in la Capella. We started the day with a special breakfast, in this occasion we had the pleasure to enjoy a typical English breakfast. We spent all the moring learing English and reviewing for the exam that they will be doing today. They are all improving a lot! Ayer tuvimos un día ajetreado. Tras coger fuerzas por la mañana con un típico desayuno inglés, fuimos a clase donde seguimos aprendiendo  y repasando para el examen que estarán haciendo hoy. Vuestros niños están mejorando mucho. Lunch time was awesome! We had…


Buenos días papás y mamás! Ayer dimos comienzo a un nuevo turno de nuestros campamentos de verano en Poblet. Que ganas teníamos de conocer a todos los alumnos. Una vez acabado el check in llegó la hora de comer donde conocimos a nuestros compañeros de grupo. Más tarde realizamos un pequeño test de inglés, con el que los teachers evaluaban nuestro nivel para posicionarnos en una clase en función del mismo. Con el fin de conocer al mayor numero posible de compañeros del campamento, realizamos una serie de dinámicas de integración, en las que nos juntamos con los grupos del resto de…

2019 - 2020 - 2021

Good morning mums and dads! Yesterday, Tuesday the 2nd, we woke up with a glorious sunshine in our English Summer Camp La Capella! Ayer, día 2 de julio, nos despertamos con un sol radiate en English Summer La Capella! After having a delicious English breakfast, Kids Fashion Camp kids went to their fashion classes and Multiactivity kids went to their English classes. As usual, they did an hour and a half class, a half an hour break, during which they had the opportunity to buy some ice-creams in the bar, and an hour and a half class. Después de un delicioso desayuno…

Sunset in Poblet

Good morning parents! Yesterday, Saturday 29th in English Summer SA Poblet, was such an exciting and wonderful day! We all woke up early to have breakfast because some of our students went to PortAventura and Costa Caribe to spend an amazing time enjoying with the great amount of rollercoasters of the theme park. We had everything we needed ready; sunscreen, caps, our bags… We were ready to have fun! Ayer, sábado 29 en English Summer SA Poblet, ¡fue un día  emocionante y maravilloso! Todos nos levantamos temprano para desayunar porque algunos de nuestros alumnos fueron a PortAventura y Costa Caribe…


Happy Friday!! The week is coming to the end and yesterday we had one of the favourite parties of the kids, the Froggy Awards! Since we woke up in the morning at 8.45h they where waiting for the night. We started the day with an outdoor breakfast, where we took the food and we ate with our friends and monitors around the garden. Then, the students went to class, it was the last day of classes before the final exam so they had to review all the things they have learned during the week. At clubs time we did problem solving…


Buenos días mamás y papás! Que mejor manera para empezar el día que los Froggy games, los juegos mañaneros antes de ir a desayunar donde se pone en práctica el trabajo en equipo. Después de desayunar ya sabés, English classes! Durante el recreo de las clases jugaron al World Championship y a continuación pudieron disfrutar del esperado Healthy Bar y tomar algun snack. Hace bastante calor aquí en La Capella, y todos los niños están disfrutando mucho del sol, sobretodo en la piscina, así que después de comer, y cargados de flotadores y música, nos fuimos a la piscina. Al volver tuvieron…


Welcome to 1C’s English Summer blog! After much waiting… Poblet’s first term has finally started! Yesterday morning, La Capella recieved 48 students who were looking forward to learning english and having fun! From 10h to 13h the check-in took place, in which the parents were able to get to know their kids’ monitor and also the teachers and the MPs of the term. And at 13:30h it was time to say goodbye! After lunch all the students took a test to determine their level and place them in the class in which they will be able to learn more during this summer camp!…


Queridos papás, alumnos, teachers y monitores: Otro año más toca despedirnos de nuestra querida casa La Capella de Poblet. Este fin de semana se fueron los últimos 51 alumnos de este campamento, que junto con los otros 550 que han pasado por esta casa desde el 26 de junio, han formado este fantástico verano de #ESPoblet. A todos vosotros queremos daros las gracias por el apoyo que habéis dado a esta familia que es English Summer. Sobretodo a nuestros alumnos que han disfrutado de la mágia de Poblet y que un año más han hecho posible esta aventura. Gracias por vuestras…