Campamentos de verano en inglés en España | POBLET

Posts Tagged“Campamentos de verano en inglés en España”


Good night parents! Yesterday was an amazing day in La Capella! When we woke up, all the students started the Froggy Games and, when the fun activities ended, we went to the dining room to have breakfast. We were so hungry! At 10h we went back to English class and the second lesson of the day started after the half an hour break. At 13:30 we all went to the dining room with our monitors to have lunch. When the day’s last English class ended, we went to our rooms to get changed to go to the swimming pool! When we came back we…


Good morning parents! Yesterday morning the monitors of our summer camps woke up their kids… with their clothes inside out and upside down! This was because it was Reverse Breakfast, and all the students had to have breakfast in the dining room with their clothing worn in reversel. Clothes back to front, mismatching shoes or on the wrong feet… It was so funny! It was also the photos day so we had the cameras with us all day! We had breakfast and all the students went back to class for the first lesson. At 11:30, during the break, we took the pictures…