KidsFAshionCAmp | POBLET

Posts Tagged“KidsFAshionCAmp”


Hi parents! Today is the last day of our students in English Summer Poblet. We are all so nostalgic… Hoy es el último día para los alumnos de Poblet, estamos muy nostálgicos. Yesterday, everyone was saying goodbye but with the condition of being in contact. We played the Flag game with our Olympic teams. They all want to stay here in Poblet, with all the new friends that will probably stay there for a long time! Ayer, todo el mundo se estaba despidiendo con la condición de seguir en contacto. Jugamos el juego de la bandera con los equipos de los…

Sunset in Poblet

Good morning parents! Yesterday, Saturday 29th in English Summer SA Poblet, was such an exciting and wonderful day! We all woke up early to have breakfast because some of our students went to PortAventura and Costa Caribe to spend an amazing time enjoying with the great amount of rollercoasters of the theme park. We had everything we needed ready; sunscreen, caps, our bags… We were ready to have fun! Ayer, sábado 29 en English Summer SA Poblet, ¡fue un día  emocionante y maravilloso! Todos nos levantamos temprano para desayunar porque algunos de nuestros alumnos fueron a PortAventura y Costa Caribe…