Campamentos de verano 2017 | Blog Vallclara

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Good Morning parents! Thursday was a very special day… it was Froggy Awards Night! We started the day waking up at 9 a.m. because we were all very tired from Wednesday’s trip. We put on our white t-shirts because it was the photos day! During the morning the students continued with their English projects as well as practising their vocabulary. After lessons, we took the team photos during the swimming pool time as well as the group photo! Nevertheless during that time, we did the swimming competition! Everyone was very nervous and we don’t know the results yet, but everyone…


Good morning parents! On Tuesday we had an amazing school morning which consisted in an hour and a half of classes, where the students did some grammar. Then the students had half an hour of break, where they played basketball or had something to eat in the bar, such as chips or a coke, followed by another hour and a half of classes. Students started some group projects to practise their amazing skills. Afterwards, we had lunch and an hour of classes. We played some Olympics but suddenly it started to rain. But that didn’t stop us from enjoying the…


Good morning parents! Welcome to another amazing day in Vallclara! In the morning there weren’t Froggy Games, instead, there was breakfast by teams. The teams got into the dining room and enjoyed a special breakfast with their team companions. After breakfast, the students went to class as every morning until break time where they could go to the bar or to play ping-pong for example.   After lunch,  the students went to their rooms to put on their bathing suit and we went to Vallclara’s swimming pool! In the afternoon we changed the order of the activities. First of all,…


Good morning parents! Yesterday in Vallclara we woke up specially happy. Sun was shining, so were you? The second week has already started, and students are in their English lessons, ready to learn new things while having fun! During the morning, the new students found out their english classes, where they will be receiving  lessons this last week of English Summer here in Vallclara. After lessons, we went tothe swimming pool, where we played some music there, and we spent the whole hour learing all the term dances. When we came back, we had a snack during the bar time. Afterwards,…


Good morning parents! The second week of the term started on Sunday and everyone was very nervous. But first, let us tell you how much our students enjoyed Sunday. We started the day sleeping an extra hour to charge batteries. After breakfast, the students tidied up their rooms , letting them ready to welcome the new students who would join us this seven days we have. Once everything was clean, they played different cooperative games, such as basketball or football, and afterwards it was so hot that we went to the swimming pool for an hour and a half. Nevertheless,…


Good morning! Saturday 19th of August was the day of PortAventura and the students didn’t have English lessons! We woke up at half past seven and had a quick breakfast before going back to the room to pack everything. Some students choose not to go to PortAventura or Costa Caribe, perhaps because they had been before, they stayed in the house and played games with the monitors. These students woke up at half past eight. When we arrived at the Park we took the entrance photo and we entered ready to start a great day! The students spent their day…


Good morning parents! The end of the first week is coming and some of our kids will already leave on Sunday… It’s very sad to hear them say they would like to stay for some weeks more, so we are going to make the most of these last days. The day began with a delicious outside breakfast. Then, the first English class started. It was about revision because after the snack the chlidren had the exam. In the afternoon we went to the swimming pool and later we did some fun games. Of course, after that kids played the Olympics.…


Good morning everybody! Finally, the day arrived yesterday in our house… Rock and roll  is probably the best and most characteristic party of English Summer and, of course, one of those that students remember for all their lives! But before explaining all the party, let me explain you the rest of the day. When we woke up we dressed up with our white English Summer t-shirt because yesterday was also photo day! Then we had cooperative breakfast which means that each children had to help each other and had to be coordinated with their partner because they had got their…


Good morning Vallclara! Yesterday was a great day! When we woke up at half past 8, we put on our trainers and started the day doing Froggy Games. Afterwards, it was breakfast time and we got into the dining room. Once we had finished breakfast, we brushed our teeth, did our bed and went to class to start doing a little bit of grammar. At 11:30, we had a small break and we could buy in the bar and start playing the World Championship. It is an individual competition of tennis, table tennis, batminton or chess where each student plays…


Good morning! Yesterday was a poweful day. The students started their morning having a reverse breakfast which means that all the clothes they were wearing were in an unusual location that made all of us fell about laughing. After the first class, we had a break where we learnt about the English Challenge. Alongside the Olympics competition, the teams compete by doing different English written activities in their free time. The daily sheets have to be completed before lunch! In addition to this, each student had to decide if they wanted to be in the mexicans team or in the…