campamentos de ingés | Blog Vallclara

Posts Tagged“campamentos de ingés”


Hello to everyone!!! I’m back to upload the news of what happened during the weekend here in Vallclara. We are very sad because on sunday 31 students left… we’ll miss them so much. Hope we see you next year!! But first, let’s start explaining what we did on saturday. There were some of the kids that went to costa caribe or Portaventura during the day. They had lot of fun!! some of them enjoyed going through all the park and ridding all the roller costers and others were enjoying the costa caribe aquatic park where they had lots of slides.…


Dear parents, On their first day in Vallclara, the students woke up at half past 8 and started the day with some physical exercise: the Froggy Games. Once we had played some games, we went to the dining room to have a delicious breakfast of cereals, bread, fruits, … At 10 o’clock the students were organised into the classes depending on the level demostrated in the exam on the previous day. After one hour and a half of class, the students had a break where they could buy crisps, fizzy drinks or ice cream using the cutting edge technology of…


¡Buenos días papás y mamás! El final de la primera semana se acerca y algunos alumnos se irán el domingo… Es muy triste oírles decir que les gustaría quedarse más semanas así que tendrán que sacar el máximo partido a estos últimos días. El día empezó con Froggy games y clase por la mañana, por la tarde los chicos rotaron por los clubs y jugaron algunos del los últimos partidos de la competición de los Olympics. Como siempre, también fuimos a la piscina aunque el día no fue muy soleado… Por la noche celebramos la ceremonia de graduación donde algunos alumnos…