Campamentos de verano | Blog Vallclara

Posts Tagged“Campamentos de verano”

WhatsApp Image 2019-08-22 at 10.21.56

Good morning parents! Hoy es un día muy completo en la finca de Vallclara y es que es día de fotos y los Froggy Awards por la noche. Nada más levantarnos nos pusimos la camiseta blanca para bajar a desayunar. During the first period we took pictures with our teacher and our whole class, as we finished the first period we took pictures with our monitor and after with the whole term. Durante la hora de comer nos hicimos fotos, y al acabar de comer nos fuimos a lavar los dientes. Después de la última clase nos cambiamos la camiseta…

WhatsApp Image 2019-08-21 at 11.12.32

Good morning parents! Today is Pijama’s breakfast and everybody is so excited about it. We have woken up, fresen up and went directly to the dinning room. Every pijama was very original and unique. Antes de ir a clase nos fuimos a cambiar el pijama y directos a clase. Our way of teaching makes learning English fun, and kids notice that. Keep going and growing and learning and shining! And then its snack time! Healthy crisps, sugar-free drinks and world championship time! Remember to play your matches, because this Friday is the last day to play them. Al acabar la…

WhatsApp Image 2019-08-17 at 16.17.32(1)

Good morning parents! Como cada mañana nos hemos levantado y hemos bajado a hacer los mornings. Una vez concluidos, hemos desayunado, nos hemos lavado los dientes y hemos ido a clase. This is the last class  before doing the exam and we are sure that it will go so perfectly. Después del patio de media mañana, han ido a hacer el examen. Todo el mundo estaba nervioso. It was time to have lunch. It was delicious.  En la pisicina disfrutamos bailando al ritmo de la música y jugando a palas. En la hora de clubs aprendimos a mantenernos en equilibrio…

WhatsApp Image 2019-08-16 at 11.14.00(2)

Good morning parents!! Today is the big day! It’s the Froggy awards night. Esta mañana nos hemos levantado y hemos hecho un outdoor breakfast. Durante el desayuno hemos bailado al ritmo de la mejor música con nuestros monitores y Mp’s. Son casi las diez, los niños se han lavado los dientes y están ready para ir a clase. Quedan pocos días para el examen y los nervios se notan, pero estamos seguros que harán el examen lo mejor posible. We believe in you guys! Durante el recreo de media mañana aprovechamos para jugar el World Championships y avanzar el English…

WhatsApp Image 2019-08-15 at 11.17.10

Good morning parents! Como cada día hemos despertados a nuestros niños con nuestras mejores sonrisas y alegrías. Esta mañana hemos realizado mornings para poder estar activos al largo del dia. Después de desayunar y lavarnos los dientes fuimos a clase. Después de el break volvimos a clase y después a comer. It’s impossible to face the whole evening of activities without having a good lunch, it was so delicious. Once we finished the evenning class, we got changed into our swimsuits and went to the swimming pool. En la piscina pudimos jugar a palas, saltar junto nuestros MP’s y monitores.…


Good morning parents! Hoy han dado comienzo las clases de inglés y todo el mundo esta deseando empezar a aprender el máximo y conocer a nueva gente y todos sus teachers. As you may know, this term works different and the students are going to rotate with all the teachers and do some projects which will improve their skills. Por la mañana fuimos a nuestras clases a conocer nuestros respectivos teachers y compañeros. Tuvimos un pequeño break donde pudimos comer algo de fruta y disfrutar jugando con nuestros compañeros, monitores y Mp’s. Al terminar volvimos a clase, y al acabar…

WhatsApp Image 2019-08-13 at 17.03.34

Hello there parents! Today is the day! El sol brilla en Vallclara. Hoy es el primer día en los campamentos de English Summer. ¡Esperar todo el año ha dado sus frutos! We have everything ready to start the term, the only thing that is missing is you. Here we go! A las cuatro de la tarde, los niños y  las familias han empezado a llegar. We were looking forward to meet you! Después de conocernos, darnos dos besos y un abrazo, instalarnos en las habitaciones y pasar por el check-in, nos hemos reunido delante de las gradas todo el turno. Bye, bye parents! Tras las presentaciones…


Hello to everyone!!! I’m back to upload the news of what happened during the weekend here in Vallclara. We are very sad because on sunday 31 students left… we’ll miss them so much. Hope we see you next year!! But first, let’s start explaining what we did on saturday. There were some of the kids that went to costa caribe or Portaventura during the day. They had lot of fun!! some of them enjoyed going through all the park and ridding all the roller costers and others were enjoying the costa caribe aquatic park where they had lots of slides.…


Hello to everyone!! Welcome back to the 2V’s blog, yesterday was a really beatiful day, we started waking up with the Froggy Games and then we went straight to have breakfast. It was exam day so the children were a little bit nervious. The first class they did a lillte review and during the second class we know that they did their best in the exam. It was lunch time and we had a delicious «fish paella» and a fresh «gazpacho, everyone enjoyed the food and had time to keep in touch with their work pairs. We had clubs and Olympics…


Hello to everyone! I hope you are having a fantastic day! Here in Vallclara everything is going really well and the children are very very happy. The English classes are doing really well and the kids are improving immensely. Yesterday it was a great day, we had a very special breakfast where the children could feel like they were having an English breakfast in London. The food was incredibly good and afterwards we were ready to delight in the clases. Between the first and the second class we always take a break to rest a little bit and we have time…