Port Aventura | Blog Vallclara

Posts Tagged“Port Aventura”


Good Morning Vallclara!!! Welocome to the English Summer Camp blog of Vallclara! We have been very busy during this weekend so we have a lot of things to tell you!!! El sábado algunos de nosotros fuimos a PortAventura donde disfrutamos de un día maravilloso en el que vimos espectáculos, como el de la hora de comer en la cantina, o montándonos a muchas atracciones como el Dragon Khan, Shambala y muchos más!!! Los más pequeños por eso, disfrutamos del Sésamo Aventura y de todas las actividades que hay para nosotros en las que nos lo pasamos en grande!!! Algunos de…


¡Buenos días papás y mamás! Ayer fue el último y más emocionante día del campamento de inglés para aquellos alumnos que se iban el domingo. ¡Para sacar el máximo provecho del día tuvimos una jornada muy especial! Algunos de nosotros fuimos a PortAventura, Costa Caribe, Ferrari Land o nos quedamos en la casa para hacer actividades muy divertidas que normalmente no hacemos durante la semana. El día empezó muy temprano, nos despertamos a las 7:30 para almorzar y preparar las mochilas con crema solar, una gorra y una toalla para aquellos que fuimos a Costa Caribe. Llegamos a Tarragona a…


Hello there everyone! Today has been a very exciting day, as we all went to visit Port Aventura and Costa Caribe. The students went to Port Aventura to spend their day going on the different rides. As it was very warm, they refreshed themselves in rides like Silver River or Tutuki Splash. The bravest students went on the most thrilling rides like Shambala or Dragon Khan. On the other side of the park, the other students had a blast splashing through Costa Caribe. Kids had a wonderful day swimming, sliding and having fun while going on the different slides of…

Port Aventura

Good morning everyone! Tonight we have slept through the night because yesterday we arrived really tired from our visit to Costa Caribe and Port Aventura. The students going to Port Aventura spent their day going on the different rides. When it was hot, they refreshed in rides like Silver River or Tutuki and the bravest students went to the most thrilling rides like Shambala or Dragon Khan. On the other side, some students went to Costa Caribe. They had a wonderful day swimming and having fun while going on the different slides of the aquatic park.   Even the twelve…


Good morning! Today we have woken up at 7:30, some of us have been to Port Aventura, others to Costa Caribe and just a few have stayed in Vallclara. In Port Aventura we have met some of our English Summer friends from Prades and Tamarit. We have divided our children in different groups by age, this has allowed us to go on more rides. The youngest have been to Sesamo Aventura and the oldest to the most scary rides such as Shambhala, Dragon Khan, Furius Baco or Hurakan Condor. After lunch all of us have been to the theatre to…