Bournemouth 2018 | Cursos de idiomas en el extranjero | Página 2

Browsing CategoryBournemouth 2018

Hello everyone, Are you ready to know everything we have done today in the language courses abroad? We haven’t stopped a second! At 7.45 a.m. we have met in the common area to go to breakfast and Angelo, one of the English teachers, has announced the winner of the photography contest. Everyday we have to take some photos, the funnier the better, and the winner is announced the next morning. Today our student Claudia Torralba has come in second place, congratulations! After breakfast, we have been told in which level we are and we have gone to class. In total…

Hello everyone, It’s our second day in the language course abroad and we’re glad to tell you that the weather couldn’t be nicer. It’s sunny and warm, and our residence hall is just 15min from the beach, isn’t that ideal? At 7.45 a.m. we have met in the common area to go to breakfast. The cafeteria is right next to the classes which is very handy. At 9 a.m. the centre manager, Nathan, has explained us the rules of the school and introduced us to the members of the staff that we couldn’t meet yesterday. They are all very nice and friendly.…

Good morning families, After a very long day we have finally arrived in Bournemouth. St Giles staff were waiting for us and after a brief introduction, they have showed us our bedrooms. Most of us share flat with international students, so we will have to speak as much English as possible during the two following weeks. We have unpacked and left the room ready for the night. A very special dinner was waiting for us in the common room: pizza and cookies! We have had the chance to meet some students from Italy, Russia and Turkey, and hopefully tomorrow we…

Aparte de los campamentos de verano, English Summer S.A. también ofrece la oportunidad de vivir una experiencia en el extranjero única. Mientras que unos cuantos han optado aventurarse solos en un curso de verano académico en el extranjero, en el cual conviven con alumnos ingleses y una familia local, otros prefieren ir en grupo y acompañados por un monitor. Este mes de julio, 40 estudiantes se van a Kilkenny, Bournemouth o Malvern con un monitor de English Summer SA. ¡Os lo explicamos a continuación! Kilkenny Del 02 de julio al 16 de julio Se acerca el gran día para Joan, Alba, Marta,…

A todos los alumnos que este año os aventuráis a vivir una experiencia en el extranjero, os recordamos que el sábado 9 de junio en nuestra Finca de Tamarit (¿Cómo llegar?) se va a llevar a cabo la reunión final sobre los cursos de idiomas en el extranjero. Está dirigida, principalmente, a todas las familias que ya han reservado uno de nuestros cursos del verano 2018 o están a punto de hacerlo. Nuestro objetivo es informar a los padres y estudiantes sobre todos los detalles de los cursos que se vayan a realizar en breve y resolver cualquier duda que aún…