Cursos de idiomas en el extranjero | Campamentos de inglés en verano, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero y academia de idiomas | Página 17

Ya estamos en el primer fin de semana de agosto. Qué rápido pasa el verano… ¡pero nosotros seguimos con nuestros campamentos de inglés y los viajes al extranjero! Así pues, como todos los viernes, hoy os contamos TODO lo que pasa en English Summer S.A. este weekend. Are you ready? ¿Qué pasa en nuestros campamentos? VALLCLARA Este fin de semana tenemos en nuestro campamento a las familias que han optado por pasar unos días en el Family Camp. Un campamento destinado a familias activas que deseen viajar, aprender en familia y pasar unas vacaciones divertidas y enriquecedoras. Have fun!   POBLET Este domingo despedimos…

¡Bienvenidos a un nuevo fin de semana en English Summer S.A.! Hoy toca repasar todas las aventuras que nos esperan en los campamentos de inglés y en los viajes al extranjero este weekend. ¿Preparados? ¿Qué pasa en nuestros campamentos? VALLCLARA Este domingo nos toca decir goodbye a los turnos 17V20 y 17V22, aunque estos últimos, disfrutarán de un día en PortAventura, Costa Caribe o Ferrari Land antes de marcharse. ¡Ha sido un placer! Además… nos preparamos para vivir el campamento más familiar ¡el Family Camp! POBLET ¡Weekend de lo más completo en Poblet! El viernes acaban su aventura en el campamento los turnos 17C25 y…

Como cada viernes, hoy os explicamos TODO lo que va a pasar estos días en English Summer S.A., tanto en nuestros campamentos de inglés como en los viajes al extranjero. ¡Nos espera un fin de semana apasionante lleno de aventuras! ¿Qué pasa en nuestros campamentos? VALLCLARA El domingo despedimos en nuestra casa de Vallclara al turno 17V21 después de una semana fantástica. Thank you and see you next year! Pero antes de irse y conjuntamente con los alumnos del 17V20 pasarán un divertido día de excursión en PortAventura, Costa Caribe o Ferrari Land. Además… damos la bienvenida al turno 17V22 que comienza…

Hi! This is the last blog entry from the Oakham summer camp! Today was an unforgettable day, we have gone to the very well-known city Cambridge! Before getting in the bus we have picked up the packed lunch from the kitchen. We have chosen between chicken, cheese, ham or beef sandwich. There was also a bottle of water, a bag of crisps, some fruit and a biscuit. Once in Cambridge, we have, first of all, did a walking tour around the city. The activity leaders have shown us the Round Church as well as the Trinity College and the Market…

Hello! How is everything going? We have finally finished the classes and we have received a diploma. We are so grateful to our teachers, they have managed to teach us English in a funny and interesting way. For lunch we have had a huge surprise, we have eaten doughnuts!! Right after, we have gotten into the bus to go to Leicester. We have first done a walking tour around the city as usual and then we have had some free time to go shopping. We have visited the famous Clock Tower and the Cathedral. It is such a stunning city!…

Hello families… and good bye Rathdown! With a great nostalgia and sadness, here I am writing the last post of what has been an incredible adventure. The kids are sad as well, because this fifteen days, that have been a new and fantastic experience for them, are coming to an end. I’m sure they have plenty of things to explain to you. Yesterday was the last day in Rathdown school. The day went as usual: breakfast at 8:00 am, first English lesson at 9:00 am, then a 30 minutes break, and more English classes until 12:30 am. At 13:00 pm…

De nuevo empieza el fin de semana y con él… nuestro post semanal  para explicaros todo lo que va a pasar estos días dentro de English Summer S.A., tanto en los campamentos de inglés como en los viajes al extranjero. ¿Estáis preparados para conocer nuestras aventuras? ¿Qué pasa en nuestros campamentos? VALLCLARA ¡Weekend cargado de emociones en nuestra casa de Vallclara! Empezamos con la excursión a PortAventura, Costa Caribe o Ferrari Land por parte de los turnos 17V12, 17V13 y 17V14. Y el domingo… time to say goodbye a los turnos 17V10 y 17V12. ¡Ha sido un placer! Esa misma tarde recibiremos a los nuevos…

Hello families and friends! The countdown starts and we wish we could stay longer. Classes have been very productive; we have done some vocabulary about family and also some grammar. Lunch was mouth-watering! We have already tried so many typical British dishes. They are all amazing and so different from our gastronomy. In the adventure camp they have gone climbing, it has been great! The others students have as usual divided in two groups; some have done tie dye while the others have played capture the flag. Afterwards, we have all together played the ukulele. We are professional musicians now!…

Hi there! How are you families? You will probably be getting ready to welcome back your children… but I don’t want them to go! I can’t believe that the two weeks are almost gone! Anyway, your kids are definitely enjoying their stay in Rathdown and will do that until the last minute before taking the plane back to Barcelona. On Wednesday, children woke up as usually and had breakfast before class. Then, they took their daily 3 hours lessons and had some free time before having lunch. In the afternoon program, they had a visit to the Dalkey Castle with…

Hi there! This summer camp is reaching its end and we do not want to leave. Can we stay one more week? After breakfast we have gone to class, as usual. Our English has improved so much, specially the speaking. Today we have had Chinese food for lunch including spring rolls, prawn bread and noodles! The food was quite spicy but we have really enjoyed it. Right after eating, the adventure students have gone canoeing. It has been such a great experience! The rest of the students have, first, played basketball, and then split up to go to different activities.…