cursos al extranjero con monitor | Cursos de idiomas en el extranjero | Página 2

Posts Tagged“cursos al extranjero con monitor”


Hi families! We are enjoying a lot this days! One of the most incredible experiences that we have lived since we arrived has been the Ringo Boat! At the beginning we were a little scared but once we got used to it, we only wanted to go faster and faster. We also played volleyball and sunbathed (… but always with sun cream!) After dinner, we were exhausted so we got all reunited to watch a movie while eating popcorn! See you tomorrow! Hola familias! ¡Una de las experiencias más increíbles que hemos vivido desde que llegamos ha sido el Barco…


Hi families! As you can see, we are being very lucky with the weather these days. That’s the reason why one of our favorite activities is playing and swimming on the beach. At the begin the water seems to be freezing but after a while… nobody wants to get out!! After dinner, we started the evening activities. We have customized t-shirts and bags, they are really awesome fashion designers! They have all written and drawn nice things to their friends to keep these bags and t-shirts as a memory of this experience! Moreover, one of our artist has successfully drawn…


Good evening families! Today we have started the day with our English classes that everyday we like more and more!  As every Tuesday it was a day of excursion and after eating and preparing everything we have taken a bus to go to Cheltenham. This city is known for being a SPA city since its water is very good for out health. On this excursion we have enjoyed a small tour and after that we had our free time in which we have all been able to do whatever we wanted. When we returned to school and after having dinner we…

What? Is it Friday again? El verano pasa volando, sobretodo para los niños y niñas que participan en los campamentos de verano en inglés o en los cursos de idiomas en el extranjero de English Summer S.A. It’s time to check what happen this weekend in Vallclara, Poblet, Tamarit, Prades and, of course, also abroad! VALLCLARA ¿Habéis oído hablar del Family Camp? Del 29 de julio al 12 de agosto dedicamos la finca que marca nuestro origen a hacer campamentos para toda la familia. Así que este domingo decimos adiós a los niños/as que han pasado nada más y nada menos que 29…

Hello everyone, It’s our second day in the language course abroad and we’re glad to tell you that the weather couldn’t be nicer. It’s sunny and warm, and our residence hall is just 15min from the beach, isn’t that ideal? At 7.45 a.m. we have met in the common area to go to breakfast. The cafeteria is right next to the classes which is very handy. At 9 a.m. the centre manager, Nathan, has explained us the rules of the school and introduced us to the members of the staff that we couldn’t meet yesterday. They are all very nice and friendly.…

Good morning families, After a very long day we have finally arrived in Bournemouth. St Giles staff were waiting for us and after a brief introduction, they have showed us our bedrooms. Most of us share flat with international students, so we will have to speak as much English as possible during the two following weeks. We have unpacked and left the room ready for the night. A very special dinner was waiting for us in the common room: pizza and cookies! We have had the chance to meet some students from Italy, Russia and Turkey, and hopefully tomorrow we…