Cursos con monitor acompañante | Cursos de idiomas en el extranjero | Página 2

Posts Tagged“Cursos con monitor acompañante”

Hello families! How are you doing? Kids are doing well! Here I am with more news. Sunday was our free day! Children woke up at 9 o’clock, and we go to the village to have our breakfast between 10:00 and 10:30 am. But first of all, kids tidied up their rooms, and they got ready to have an incredible day. After breakfast we visited and buy some new things at a Shopping Center called “MacDonagh Junction”. When the clock marked 13.30 am we went walking to the beautiful parks that Kilkenny Castle has got to have our lunch. Later, we…

Hello families! Welcome back to the blog! On Saturday kids learned a lot of new things about Ireland! We had a ‘Full Day Tour’ at the National Heritage Park in Wexford with an ATC Activities Leader. Wexford is a town that was founded by the Vikings in about 800 AD, and to get there had to took a 2 hours bus to the south of Ireland! When we arrived, the children had lunch and enjoyed a tour at the National Heritage Park. We walked for one hour and a half through the different Irish history stages, understanding how Irish civilizations…

Hello families, welcome back to the Irish adventure! Yesterday was a very complete day! As usually, we woke up around 8:00 to have a nice breakfast to charge our batteries for the English lessons. At 9:00 all kids were in their respective classes ready to learn a lot of things. Meanwhile ATC monitors started preparing the afternoon program activities. At 12:50 English classes were over and children had their lunch! Chicken, chips, pasta with tomato sauce and cheese, salad, … This is Ireland guys! After the lunch time, the kids enjoyed their free time, playing tennis, or talking with other…

Hello! It’s already Thursday, and the weather is happening fast! We are all enjoying the classes very much, because it is easier to learn English when you are having a great time, having fun with our new friends. Our level of conversation has improved a lot since we have to speak English at all times to communicate with people of other nationalities. The food was delicious! It was a fun afternoon, where we learned to play different games we did not know. We have also practiced other more traditional sports such as volleyball, soccer, badminton and tennis. Therefore, it has…

Hello again! Today has been a fantastic day!! Keep doing a great time, 26 ºC more or less, we can leave our jackets and sweatshirts in the closet and continue using shorts. As always, we have woken up at 7 in the morning, we have dressed and gone to breakfast. Charged with energy we have gone to class, the topics of today have dealt with «School life» and «Miths & Legends”. After class we had lunch and we had a bit of time to brush our teeth and prepare well for the excursion. In a single file we have walked…

A todos los alumnos que este año os aventuráis a vivir una experiencia en el extranjero, os recordamos que el sábado 9 de junio en nuestra Finca de Tamarit (¿Cómo llegar?) se va a llevar a cabo la reunión final sobre los cursos de idiomas en el extranjero. Está dirigida, principalmente, a todas las familias que ya han reservado uno de nuestros cursos del verano 2018 o están a punto de hacerlo. Nuestro objetivo es informar a los padres y estudiantes sobre todos los detalles de los cursos que se vayan a realizar en breve y resolver cualquier duda que aún…

CURSOS DE IDIOMAS EN EL EXTRANJERO 2018 Este verano, vive une experiencia única y enriquecedora con nuestros cursos de idiomas en el extranjero, no sólo a nivel lingüístico sino también en el ámbito personal. Ya tienes disponibles en nuestra web, todos los cursos que ofrecemos para el verano 2018 en Inglaterra, Irlanda, Estados Unidos, Canadá… Solicita aquí el catálogo 2018 ¿Cómo escoger el curso? Selecciona el curso en función de tu edad: de 7 a 17 años. ¡También tenemos cursos para toda la familia! Escoge el alojamiento que prefieres: Residencia: convive en una residencia con estudiantes de todas las nacionalidades. Familia: vive con…

Una modalidad de nuestros cursos de idiomas en el extranjero son los cursos con monitor acompañante pensados principalmente para aquellos niños  jóvenes que realizan por por primera vez un curso en el extranjero, ya que ir acompañados de un monitor y de otros alumnos les ayudará a sentirse más cómodos. Este pasado verano 2017, hemos realizado dos cursos con monitor acompañante, uno a Oakham (Inglaterra) y otro a Rathdown (Irlanda). Aquí os dejamos un pequeño vídeo resumen de la experiencia de nuestros alumnos en este curso: Estos cursos se realizan en grupo y tienen un monitor incluido que acompaña a los alumnos día a…