English Summer S.A. | Cursos de idiomas en el extranjero | Página 2

Posts Tagged“English Summer S.A.”


Hi families! We are enjoying a lot this days! One of the most incredible experiences that we have lived since we arrived has been the Ringo Boat! At the beginning we were a little scared but once we got used to it, we only wanted to go faster and faster. We also played volleyball and sunbathed (… but always with sun cream!) After dinner, we were exhausted so we got all reunited to watch a movie while eating popcorn! See you tomorrow! Hola familias! ¡Una de las experiencias más increíbles que hemos vivido desde que llegamos ha sido el Barco…

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Hola a todos!!! Hoy ha sido un día muy entretenido ya que ¡no hemos parado en todo el día de hacer cosas! Nuestro día ha empezado con nuestras clases de inglés y después hemos ido a la piscina y todos estábamos muy contentos ya que hoy hacia un día súper caluroso y nos ha ido genial poder refrescarnos un rato!! Después de la piscina algunos hemos ido a hacer una actividad que consistía en fabricar un slime y otros hemos ido a montar a caballo o a arte. Por la tarde después de descansar hemos tenido una cena muy especial ya…


Hi families! As you can see, we are being very lucky with the weather these days. That’s the reason why one of our favorite activities is playing and swimming on the beach. At the begin the water seems to be freezing but after a while… nobody wants to get out!! After dinner, we started the evening activities. We have customized t-shirts and bags, they are really awesome fashion designers! They have all written and drawn nice things to their friends to keep these bags and t-shirts as a memory of this experience! Moreover, one of our artist has successfully drawn…


Good evening families! Today we have started the day with our English classes that everyday we like more and more!  As every Tuesday it was a day of excursion and after eating and preparing everything we have taken a bus to go to Cheltenham. This city is known for being a SPA city since its water is very good for out health. On this excursion we have enjoyed a small tour and after that we had our free time in which we have all been able to do whatever we wanted. When we returned to school and after having dinner we…


Friday/Viernes On friday we went to our last class. We have learned a lot this two last weeks. After class we had lunch at the canteen. In the afternoon they finished the last details for the talent show and had their certificate ceremony. In the evening they took part of the talent show with a singing act and magic tricks. Our magicians won the first prize. We are so proud! El viernes fuimos a nuestra última clase. Hemos aprendido mucho estas dos últimas semanas. Después de clase hemos comido en la cantina. Por la tarde han acabado los últimos detalles para el show de talentos…


Good morning everyone!!  Yesterday we started the week with our English classes in which all the groups have been able to do very different things but all of them were very fun! After finishing the English classes in the afternoon we went for a walk around the town of Malvern, where the school is and we had a great time! Meanwhile, some people from the group have done other activities such as art or horse riding and they have had a great time !!!   To end our day after the dinner we have been able to play football and also play…


This amazing experience has started! Yesterday after having breakfast, all the students completed an English test to assign them the group which fits better their needs. Time for lunch! At 13:00h classes finished and all the students moved to the canteen. After lunch, we all got reunited to explain the activities and the plans made for the afternoon. We also visited the Oceanarium. It was awesome the amount of different species that we have seen there and, what is more, we have walked through the sharks! Once the visit has finished, we have had some free-time. Some students have ride…


Como bien sabéis, hay alumnos que deciden ir al extranjero de manera individual, y hay otros que prefieren ir en grupo con monitor. Pues bien, tenemos el placer de presentaros a nuestras 5 monitoras que vivirán la experiencia de cursos de idiomas en el extranjero con algunos de nuestros alumnos. ¡Allá vamos! ¡Esperemos que juntos paséis un verano increíble en el extranjero! Your adventure is about to start!!!!


¡Por fin empiezan los cursos de idiomas en el extranjero! Estos cursos son una gran oportunidad para vivir una experiencia fuera de casa, donde además de aprender y mejorar tu inglés, también crecerás y madurarás como persona,  y conocerás a personas increíbles. Aprovecha la oportunidad de realizar un cursos en el extranjero y vuelve con la maleta llena de recuerdos y experiencias que recordarás siempre. Los primeros aventureros del verano, emprenden su viaje al extranjero para disfrutar de una experiencia inolvidable fuera del país. Hace unos días Teresa, Adriana y Victoria se fueron a Dublín, donde se dirigirán en breves Jamuna, Joel y…


Queridos papás y mamás, Os damos la bienvenida al blog de vuestros cursos de idiomas en el extranjero de English Summer S.A. A través de esta plataforma, os informaremos de todo lo que está sucediendo en el extranjero, de manera fácil, rápida y eficaz. Cada mañana, el monitor de grupo, os explicará las diferentes actividades, juegos, deportes y excursiones que hayan tenido lugar el día anterior en su aventura. Para seguir el día a día de vuestros hijos, solo tendréis que visitar este blog a diario, donde podréis ver las fotos, y así no os perderéis ningún detalle de su English Summer experience. También podéis seguirnos a través de Facebook, Twitter, Instagram y Youtube donde publicaremos…