POBLET | Campamentos de inglés en verano, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero y academia de idiomas | Página 15


Good morning mums and dads! Yesterday we woke up and went to have breakfast in the garden, that was a super idea because it was a way in which we were able to eat all together and not by turns as we are used to normally. In the English lessons break we were dancing and setting the party from tonight, Candem Town. Yesterday’s swimming pool was a complete success! The kids danced, practiced aqua-gym, and did a competition. We are having a lot of fun! In the Olympics we saw how excited are the students about this term, all the…


¡Buenos días mamás y papás! Ayer fue un día de infarto; reímos, gritamos, bailamos, cantamos…, pero lo más importante, ¡nos lo pasamos genial! Por la mañana los alumnos hicieron froggy games y fueron a clase de inglés, algunos de ellos practicaron con los teachers la canción de final de turno, que conoceréis el día del check out. Después de comer, seguimos con la rotación de los clubs y Olympics con un invitado especial, el Monstruo del Agua, ya que teniendo en cuenta que estos días está haciendo mucho calor, uno de nuestros monitores iba refrescando a los alumnos. Sin lugar…


Good morning mums and dads! Yesterday was a busy day but also a very funny one. In the morning we had reverse breakfast, that means that we went to have breakfast with the clothes upside down, the underwear clothes above the t-shirts, the socks in our ears, etc. Apart from that, they also came to take some photos during the day of the different groups, with the monitor, with the English class, with the Olympics team, some of the super parties that we organized and so on. After the english lessons and also after we had lunch we did clubs…


El primer día del turno fue genial y el día de ayer no se quedó atrás. Por la mañana nos despertamos e hicimos Froggy Games antes de desayunar, después conocimos las clases correspondientes de los alumnos según su nivel de inglés; los niveles asignados a cada clase son los siguientes: CLASS 1 – Strong Frogs, Starters (Teacher: Jade) CLASS 2 – Super Starters (Teacher: Lola) CLASS 3 – Marvellos Frogs, Movers (Teacher: Jensen) CLASS 4 – Fantastic Flyers (Teacher: Jasmine) CLASS 5 – Keen KET (Teacher: Laurita) CLASS 6 – Keen KET (Teacher: Emma) CLASS 7 – Keen KET (Teacher: Anna) CLASS 8 – Keen KET (Teacher: Tadhg) CLASS 9…


¡Buenos días mamás y papás y bienvenidos al blog del 2C de los campamentos de inglés de English Summer! Ayer recibimos con mucha alegría a los nuevos alumnos del segundo turno de la Capella. Este verano, al igual que el anterior, tenemos el honor de compartir turno con los campamentos temáticos del Chef Camp y del Horse Camp junto con los campamentos clásicos, “The original and still the best” de English Summer. Tras la llegada de los niños a la casa, hicimos una presentación general de monitores, MP’s, teachers, y el equipo directivo donde les explicamos el funcionamiento de los…


Dear parents, Once again it’s time to say goodbye to this amazing term. It has been an incredible term of two weeks, in which we have been able to learn a lot, get to know a lot of great people and have a lot of fun. Time has flown and we are now leaving with a lot of new memories and experiences that we hope we don’t forget. We are really proud to have been part of these fantastic days in La Capella, along with our Kids Fashion Camp friends. We hope to see you again next year, the countdown for next summer…


Good morning parents! Friday was the last class day in our summer camp. We woke up and we went to the dining room still in our pyjamas. It was because it was one of our special breakfasts: Pyjamas breakfast! It was so fun!  After eating, all the students went to their English classes for their last lesson of the term. After the break, all the students took the exam that would help us see the extent of their progress during this term. The Fashion Camp kids went to their own classes. They did workshops about style and they took pictures and videos…


Good morning parents! Yesterday was one of the most special days of the term, a day which we had been waiting for since the beggining of our stay in English Summer‘s summer camp: the Froggy Awards Night, also known as the Oscars. We started off the day with the Froggy Games and, when we had finished, we went to the dinning room to have breakfast. At 10h, as usual, all the students went to their English classes. At the same time, the kids from Kids Fashion Camp went to their classes. They learned how to pose and how to do different…


Good morning parents! Yesterday, we started the day with one of our «special breakfasts»: we had breakfast with our teams! Bears, Bees, Dolphins, Eagles, Foxes, Geese, Turtles and Snakes went to the dinning room one by one to start the day with a lot of energy and a big smile. After having breakfast, the students went to their classes. As usual, they did a one hour and a half class, a half an hour break and an hour and a half class. During the break they had the opportuniy to buy in the bar and use their phones. The kids…


Good morning parents! Yesterday we woke up with a glorious sunshine in La Capella. We started the day with the Froggy Games: yoga, relay races… After finishing the fun and dynamic games in groups we went to have breakfast with lots of energy! After breakfast it was time for the students to go to their classes. Between classes they could enjoy a snack at the bar and get energy for the next class. The kids in the Kids Fashion Camp worked on their catwalk walk, learned about nutrition and did a workshop in which they made the t-shirts they were going…