Campamento de inglés 18C40 | POBLET | Página 2

Browsing CategoryCampamento de inglés 18C40


Good Morning parents!!! Yesterday we started a usual English Summer SA Camp routine in which we did a lot of different activities. We started the day with froggy games right after waking up. These games are used to activate our bodies in the morning and it also help us to meet new people of different teams which is great!!! After having a lot of fun doing sport we had breakfast and we got ready for our first English Lessons. The Director of studies was the one who told us in which class each one of us had to go to…


Good Morning parents!!! Yesterday at English Summer Camp of Poblet, after you said goodbye to your kids they did the English Exam so that they can later on be divided by classes in which they are going to learn a lot!!! Right after, we all got together by monitors to start knowing more of each other but also to choose in which sports we would like to participate for the world championship. A competition of three different sports (badminton, chess and table tennis) in which students can earn points for their Olympic team!!! With the monitor groups we played to…