Campamento de inglés 19V10 | Blog Vallclara | Página 2

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Good morning families! Ayer nos despertamos bien pronto por la mañana, y ya pudimos sentir lo que se avecinaba: calor. Estamos bajo una ola de calor y se prevé que dure dos días más, así que decidimos cambiar el programa de actividades para combatirlo. Breakfast time! We had outdoor breakfast yesterday: chocolate pastry, donnuts and fruit. We ate all together on the picnic tables and then we went to brush our teeth. Class time everybody! It is the last day of proper class today, because tomorrow the kids have their exam. ¡A tomar un snack! Repartimos a los niños manzanas,…

Good morning everybody! Yesterday was a very exciting day. First we had cooperative breakfast, where the kids had to cooperate with each other in order to eat breakfast while they were blindfolded. Later on that day they went to class: it was their first day, so they met their teachers, classmates and started to learn along with the new lessons. A la hora de comer charlamos y nos conocimos más, regresaron a una clase dinámica y cooperativa. Después fuimos a la piscina para refrescarnos del calor, jugamos y nos lo pasamos muy bien. Later on we had a snack and we…