language course abroad | El Blog de English Summer S.A. – Campamentos de inglés en verano

Posts Tagged“language course abroad”

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Hey guys and girls! ¿Lo estáis viendo? ¡Ya está aquí el principio del final de los campamentos de inglés de English Summer SA!  Este domingo empieza la última semana de campamentos en Vallclara y Poblet. How many moments we have lived there this summer…It has been amazing!! Vamos a sacar partido de los que nos quedan la semana que está por venir, GO!  Por su parte, en la finca de la playa aún nos queda un rato to keep learing having fun. Asimismo, en Prades parte de los chicos y chicas se despiden del sueño adolescente ‘till next summer.  ¿Siguen sumando experiencias únicas los que se…

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It’s already August! Y seguimos más que a gusto en los campamentos de verano en inglés. ¿Sabes que ya son más de 2.000 los alumnos/as que han pasado por nuestras fincas de Vallclara, Poblet, Tamarit y Prades en lo que llevamos de verano? Kids who day by day have been learning and having lots of fun. Del mismo modo que, en lo referente a nuestros cursos de inglés en el extranjero, siguen despegando aviones cargados de ilusión y aterrando otros llenos de aprendizaje. Because it’s summer time and we want to enjoy as much we can! Let’s see what happen this weekend in English Summer SA……


Good morning families! It’s time to start packing. We’ll be back in a couple of days, are you nervous? We wish we could stay longer at the language course abroad. After breakfast we went to class. It was the last day of English lessons for most of us, so in the last period we attended the graduation ceremony where we were given a certificate and a graduation hat. The students kept the graduation hat on even at lunchtime. We then went back to the accommodation to brush our teeth and get ready for the presentations. Afterwards, the students presented their…


Hello families and friends! Temperature is slowly dropping back to normal. Luckily it’s still sunny in this language course abroad, and hopefully it won’t rain any time soon. At 7.45 a.m. we met in the common area where the new classes were posted. After breakfast we went to class and we met all the new classmates. Now we can say we have friends from all over the world. We started the new English project; this week the topic is «The future». At lunch time we discussed with our friends which afternoon activity we wanted to do: bottle rocket or dance…