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Posts Tagged“Dance camp”

English Summer Domingo 21 2541

Good morning mums and dads! Yesterday, Saturday 21st, was a very busy day as we had to say goodbye to a group of our kids, among which are the students from Chef Camp. In the afternoon, we welcomed a new group of kids for the last week of 5C. Early in the morning the kids woke up with a lot of energy. After breakfast, all the boys and girls who were leaving tidied their belongings and watched the term’s video. Soon after the closing ceremony began.  The students which are staying with us did athletics. At 4pm we welcomed the new students of 5C and,…

English Summer Sábado 13 191

Hello parents!, Yesterday we went to Portaventura all together to have a great day in the Rollercoaster Park. Some of us went to Costa Caribe and finally I don’t want to forget the ones that stayed at our fantastic home. We woke up at 7:45 and we first had breakfast to get a lot of power for the rest of the day. The bus came to collect us at 8:30, and we got there at half past nine and, finally, when we took the official photo at the entrance. We went inside the park, some of us went to Portaventura and…

English Summer Jueves 11 901

Good morning Poblet!, It’s hard to believe how fast time flies! Yesterday morning we woke up a little bit sad thinking that it was the last day of the summer camp for a lot of our students before going home. It was the day of the Outdoor Breakfast; all the kids went to the garden with their monitors and had breakfast there. At 10am we went to the first English class and at 12am the second class started, when the students did the final exam, they were so nervous! After the afternoon’s English class we went to the swimming pool!…

English Summer Miércoles 8 2261

Good morning Poblet!, Yesterday was finally the day we had all been waiting for. We woke up at 8:15am, like almost everyday, and went to do the Froggy Games! We danced and played until 9am, when we went to have breakfast. At 10am… It was time to go to class! After an hour and a half of English class the students had a thirty minute break, when they could buy snacks in the bar, call their parents, play the world championships… Until class time! At 3pm, the girls from Dance Camp went to class and played games where they learned…

Good afternoon!, Our wake up yesterday morning was a little bit special. When we woke up our students saw that it was the photos and videos day! We got dressed and we went to have breakfast with the camaras that would be filming us throughout the day. Before the first English class at 10am we took some group photos… When we finished… it was time for class! And the bell rang at 13:30! Which meant that the morning classes had ended! We joined our monitors and we went to have lunch. After lunch our little dancers from Dance Camp went to class! They…

English Summer Lunes 8 1541

Good morning!, Yesterday was the first day of the term for some of the kids in the summer camp, so we woke up with a lot of energy to have a lot of fun. We got up and we went to do the Froggy Games, which helped us start the day with a lot of enthusiasm! After having breakfast and brushing our teeth we went to class. After finishing the three hours of classes in the morning and having lunch we went to our rooms to get ready; some for the last class of the day and some because of…

English Summer Domingo 1441

Good morning parents!, Ayer por la mañana nos despertamos bien temprano para ir a desayunar. Al acabar, todos los alumnos que solo se quedaban una semana fueron a sus habitaciones a preparar las maletas para que después sus padres pudieran recogerlas al venir a buscarlos después de la ceremonia de clausura. ¡Qué tristes estaban los que se iban! A partir de las 11 y media de la mañana empezaron a llegar padres, contentos de poder ver a sus hijos de nuevo, y a las 12h empezó la ceremonia de clausura. Después de los discursos de la Directora de la casa, del…


Queridos papás, alumnos, teachers y monitores, Otro año más despedimos este 3C y ya con ganas de que empiece el siguiente. Hoy domingo se han ido los alumnos que han formado parte de este campamento de verano en #ESPoblet, junto con el Dance Camp y el Horseriding Camp. Ha sido una semana, corta pero muy intensa, que ha pasado volando. Nos vamos con mil experiencias vividas y momentos inolvidables, y  damos paso a la espera y a la cuenta atrás de un nuevo verano que está por llegar. Daros las gracias por el apoyo que habéis dado a esta familia…


Buenos días mamás y papás! El último día en nuestros campamentos de verano ya está aquí! Ayer sábado fue un día muy emocionante, nos fuimos a Port Aventura y a Costa Caribe! Nos levantamos a las 7:30h, muy temprano pero con muchas ganas, para poder coger los autobuses y llegar pronto a los parques de atracciones. Los alumnos de Port Aventura se lo pasaron en grande, subiendo a todas las atracciones y disfrutando de los espectáculos.  También disfrutamos de la comida mejicana en la cantina de Mexico viendo un musical en directo! En Costa Caribe también fue un día fantástico,…


Buenos días papás y mamás! El tercer turno en nuestros campamentos de inglés de Poblet ya está llegando a su fin… Ayer ya fue viernes, el tiempo ha pasado volando! Nos levantamos a las 8:00h para hacer Surprise Froggy Games, en los que los niños y niñas de cada monitor tienen que encontrar a su monitor escondido alrededor de la casa para poder ir a desayunar. Algunos estaban muy bien escondidos! A las 10h… it’s time to go to class! Después de un break y de estar una rato con los móviles se prepararon todos para hacer el examen final,…