campamentos de inglés | POBLET | Página 8

Posts Tagged“campamentos de inglés”


Good morning parents! In Saturday arrived, almost without realizing, the last day of the term for some of our students. The kids that went to PortAventura or Costa Caribe had to wake up really early to have breakfast and have a lot of energy for a day full of emotions! We had sunscreen, towels… Everything was ready to leave! The ones that went to PortAventura spent the day enjoying the many attractions of the park: rollercoasters and much more! They had lunch in the restaurant La Cantina, in the Mexico zone of the park, and after lunch they went back to the…

Good morning parents! After waking up, the children who left the house they lowered their suitcases and gathered in the dining room to present the Oscars they had prepared for the monitors; Zipi-Zape, the most beautiful smile, Miss Poblet … among others. After having breakfast, the students went to their classes. As usual, they did a one hour and a half class, a half an hour break and an hour and a half class. During the break they had the opportuniy to buy in the bar and use their phones. Later, when we had finished our lunch, all the kids from…


Good morning parents! Thursday was the last class day in our summer camp. We woke up and we went to the dining room to have breakfast. After eating, all the students went to their English classes for their last lesson of the term. After the break, all the students took the exam that would help us see the extent of their progress during this term. As soon as we had finished lunch we did one rotation of the Olympic Games, the last one for the term! After that, it was time to go to the swimming pool! We had a delicious dinner and, afterwards, we…


Hello again, mums and dads! The term is coming to an end but before we say goodbye we had to end the term with a high note. It really was a night to remember! After a long hard day of class we had to switch off a little and set our minds on doing sports. Like every day, the students assembled in their different sports teams to compete in various matches (football, handball, basketball, voleyball…) in order to gain the highest number of points and thereby win the much coveted gold medal. But it’s not all sweat and tears. Each afternoon,…

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Good morning mums and dads! And welcome once again to the English Summer blog. The Medieval Party has arrived at La Capella but before, like every day, we gather for breakfast and later go to English class to continue learning and revising for the exam. We had a very busy day! Like every afternoon after lunch, our students complete their classes for the day with more interactive and game-based activities prepared by our Director of Studies. Our Dance Camp girls were kept busy too, rehearsing the many dances choreographed by our Dance Teachers, which they will perform at the end…


Good morning moms and dads! And welcome one more day to the English Summer blog. Another day begins in the Capella and of course, after breakfast, the children went to their respective classes to continue learning English with the teachers. It was also the first day of clubs and Olympics, by teams in which the Eagles, Bees, Geese and Dolphins will play in sports such as basketball, football or volleyball, among others, where we had the opportunity to meet people different from those in the monitor group. At the same time, yesterday began one of the thematic camps of this term,…


Good morning moms and dads and welcome to the English Summer! Yesterday we received with great joy the new students of the second week of 4C that will be part of the call «Dance Camp». After the children arrived at the house, we gave a general presentation of monitors, MP’s, teachers, and the management team where we explained the operation of the camps, the basic rules, etc. Then the students took an English level test to distribute them in different classes these days and at the end of the exam they joined their monitors, where we practice different dynamics and…

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¡Buenos días mamás y papás! Ayer fue uno de los días más esperados de los campamentos; la visita a PortAventura y a Costa Caribe. Todos nos despertamos a las 7:30 para desayunar, ¡Qué madrugón!, para partir rumbo a los parques. Algunos de los niños que se quedaron en la casa realizaron actividades junto con los monitores, como por ejemplo, ir a la piscina o pintar una pancarta dando la bienvenida, «Welcome», a la vuelta del parque. Todos los niños se juntaron para comer y, tras reponer fuerzas, el día continuaba entre atracciones y toboganes. ¡Los niños se lo pasaron genial y nosotros también! Mientras…


Buenos días mamás y papás! Hace mucho calor aquí en La Capella, y todos los niños están disfrutando mucho del sol, sobretodo en la piscina. Ayer estaban un poco nerviosos porque tenían examen de inglés, pero a pesar de todo, lo hicieron muy bien, y en breves sabrán los resultados. Además de esto, durante el recreo jugaron algunas de las finales del campeonato del mundo, que están muy igualadas. Después de este examen a la mañana y de la clase de inglés de la tarde todos tenían muchísimas ganas de darse un baño, y cargados de flotadores y música, nos…


¡Buenos días mamás y papás! Un día más en este turno de English Summer, los niños se lo pasaron genial. Desde la primera hora de la mañana se despertaron nerviosos porque les esperaba una noche muy especial. La mañana transcurrió con total normalidad, excepto porque todos desayunamos fuera. Los niños fueron a la clase de inglés como todas las mañanas  y después llegó la hora de comer. Hacía bastante calor así que nada más acabar la clase de la tarde, fuimos todos a la piscina a refrescarnos. Después, hubo un rato de Clubs con más manualidades y juegos para después…