Summer Camp | POBLET | Página 2

Posts Tagged“Summer Camp”


Hi parents! English Summer SA students are all very excited about this term!!! Yesterday, it was »photos day» so all along the day, they took the pictures with their monitor group, with the classmates and finally all together. In the morning, they played froggy games before having breakfast and after brushing their theeth, they went to class for the first time here in Poblet. They met their new teachers and classmates. During the first and second hour of english, our kids started with grammar excersises and after having lunch, they attended to the last class of the day. This last hour…


Hi parents! This amazing term is now almost finished. Yesterday, our students finished their english lessons and played the last Olympic matches. They also played their last clubs and our horseriders also went to horseriding. As everyday in English Summer SA, they went to the swimming pool and they played and danced for the last time this summer! During the day, they practiced the term song with their teachers and wrote some »heart-notes» for their friends. After having dinner, they all went to the basketball court. Our last party »Love and Friends» started with a video showimg some photos of…


Good morning! Yesterday, our students started their english lessons in the best summer camp ever after the weekend. Some of them changed their class depending on their improvement and exam results. They woke up and went play froggy games, but it started to rain: they came back to their bedrooms and tidy them up until the breakfast time. After their english lessons, they had lunch and the »T-birds» with their leader Danny Zuko, visited the dining room and danced for our students. In the afternoon, kids played clubs and some of them went visit »el monestir de Poblet»: they learned lots…


Good morning parents! Friday was an amazing day in Poblet! As everyday in English Summer SA, our students woke up and after Froggy games, they went to the dining room ate their breakfast and then went to the last class of the week. They had to do their english test to check if they are improving their english level. Most of the students told us that the exam went well! After having lunch and a break, they played clubs and olympics! Our teams are getting more competitive because the end of the term will arrive soon. After a good time…


Good morning mums and dads! Yesterday, we woke up and we started the day playing the Froggy Games: relay races, giant rock paper scissors… After that, we went to have breakfast with lots of energy! Right after breakfast, it was time for the students to go to their classes: the Multiactivity and Chef camp kids went to their English classes and the Kids Fashion camp kids went to their photography, runway, hairstyling classes, and a class in which they designed and made their own T-shirt for that night’s party… Between classes we joined our monitor group to take a group…


¡Ya queda menos de un mes para disfrutar del mejor verano con English Summer S.A.! Últimos días de clase y los nervios se empiezan a notar. En breves comienza la English Summer experience que hace meses que estáis esperando. Este 2018 tenemos multitud de sorpresas preparadas para que los pequeños y no tan pequeños lo pasen en grande. Todo ello aprendiendo inglés con la máxima diversión. Are you ready? ¡Os esperamos!


Hello again, mums and dads! The term is coming to an end but before we say goodbye we had to end the term with a high note. It really was a night to remember! After a long hard day of class we had to switch off a little and set our minds on doing sports. Like every day, the students assembled in their different sports teams to compete in various matches (football, handball, basketball, voleyball…) in order to gain the highest number of points and thereby win the much coveted gold medal. But it’s not all sweat and tears. Each afternoon,…


Good morning mums and dads! And welcome once again to the English Summer blog. The Medieval Party arrived at La Capella but before, like every day, we gathered for breakfast and later went to English class to continue learning and revising for the exam. We had a very busy day! Like every afternoon after lunch, our students completed their classes for the day with more interactive and game-based activities prepared by our Director of Studies. After, we went to the swimming pool before the break and the Olympics rotations. As the sun was setting, we all gathered for dinner at…


Good morning parents! After having breakfast the children went to the classes assigned by the Director of Teachers after taking the level test. So the levels of the classes remained: CLASS: 1- High Starters 2- Flyers 3- KET 4- FCE/PET After the little break every day to be able to buy something at the bar and play, we went to eat and in the afternoon it was time to go to the pool. As you know the students each evening perform clubs (various games) and Olympics (sports games). For this, the students are distributed randomly in the different teams together…


Good morning parents! Today we welcomed the last students who will spend this summer around the house. It begins the second week of 5C. At 12:00 pm we celebrated the closing ceremony of those who left the house. The managers made a global assessment of the term and later the teachers delivered the diplomas to those who, for example, were the best in class or those who had improved most throughout the week. We must not forget sports diplomas (better sportsman, sports spirit … etc) nor the most important diplomas for us, such as the best partner… among others. Arriving…