campamentos de inglés | POBLET | Página 3

Posts Tagged“campamentos de inglés”


Hello again! ¡Qué bien lo estamos pasando en los campamentos de verano 2019! Ayer por la mañana todos los alumnos del segundo turno de Poblet empezaron las clases de inglés con sus correspondientes teachers. We learn English having fun! A las 13:30 nos fuimos a comer por turnos y a las 15:00 ¡empezaron los campamentos temáticos de horse y chef! ¡Lo pasaron super bien! ¡El miércoles más y mejor! El resto de alumnos después de la hora de inglés por la tarde, nos juntamos con nuestros equipos para conocernos mejor y para elegir himno y capitán/a. A pesar de la…


Good morning parents! Bienvenidos al blog del segundo turno de los campamentos de verano 2019 de English Summer S.A. ¡Qué ilusión! Diariamente publicaremos todo aquello que ha pasado el día anterior en nuestros summer camps, para que no os perdáis ni un detalle de esta aventura. Ayer tuvimos el placer de recibir a todos los alumnos que vienen a disfrutar de esta aventura. Este turno está compuesto por los alumnos que realizan el campamento de multiactividad, preparación y examen oficial del PET y FIRST, junto con los de campamentos temáticos de Horseriding y Chef Camp. ¡Qué emoción! Una vez os despedisteis…


Good Morning families! Buenos días familias!  On Thursday, June 27th we started our day by enjoying a wonderful British breakfast! We had plenty of delicious food such as: baked beans, scrambled egg, sausages and many more. El jueves día 27 de junio empezamos nuestra mañana comiendo un maravilloso desayuno inglés! Teníamos de todo: judías cocidas con huevos revueltos y salchichas.  After attending our English classes we headed to the pool where we had a lot of fun. When we got back to our home, Poblet, our monitors surprised us with a water balloon fight! Everyone took loads of water balloons…

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Good Morning moms and dads! ¡Buenos días papás y mamás! Wednesday, June 26th Because of the froggy games in the morning we started our day with loads of energy. Then, we had breakfast and headed for our daily English classes. ¡El miércoles 26 de junio empezamos nuestro día con muchísima energía jugando a los froggy games por la mañana! Después desayunamos y nos fuimos a hacer nuestras clases de inglés diarias. After that, we had lunch and later on we went to the swimming pool, where we were playing with a giant beach ball! We had the best of the times!! ¡Luego, comimos y más tarde…


Queridos papás y mamás, Un año más, os damos la bienvenida al blog de vuestro campamento de verano en English Summer S.A. A través de esta plataforma, os informaremos de todo lo que está sucediendo en los turnos de Poblet, de manera fácil, rápida y eficaz. Cada mañana, el monitor responsable de las publicaciones del blog, os explicará las aventuras que hayan tenido lugar el día anterior en Poblet. En el post os informará de las clases de inglés, de las diferentes actividades, los deportes, y cómo no, de las fiestas temáticas que tanto les gustan a los niños. Para seguir el día a día de vuestros hijos, solo tendréis…


Good Morning!! Yesterday we had an amazing wednesday in the camp! We woke up early to do Froggy games, we had breakfast, we brushed our teeth and we went to English Classes. At lunch time while we were eating, three mexican boys came to the dinning room and invited us to a party at night where kids had to choose a team, Guacamole team and Frijolito team. In the afternoon, we had more English Classes and after it, as it was raining outside, we played a roll-playing game called DON’T PANIC where the kids had to come to a check point where…


Good morning parents! Yesterday we had an amazing Monday in Poblet! We woke up at 8.15h in the morning and before breakfast time we did Froggy Games to start the day. It was the first day of English classes so we took the pencilcase and the folders and we went to the garden where the Director of studies told us which was our English class. Then we had lunch, we tidy up the dinning room after it, we brushed our teeth and we got ready for the last hour of class of the day. After it, we went to the swimming…


Happy day everyone! Yesterday at English Summer SA Poblet it was a very special day: Formal dress Party. We woke up later than normally in the morning because we did not have froggy games. It was Special Breakfast Day too, so we had our breakfast in the garden of the house. Instead of the food we normally eat in the morning we had bakeries: ensaimadas, napolitanas and doughnuts. Everything tasted very good. After charging our batteries to face the long day ahead, we went upstairs to brush our teeth and tidy up our rooms to get them ready for the daily room…


Good morning everyone! Yesterday at English Summer SA Poblet we woke up in the morning and met all the students at the meeting point to start the day with the great Froggy Games! Afterwards, we had breakfast and went to our rooms to tidy them up a little bit before going to our english classes, like every morning. After our classes we had a break and had some time to rest up and eat something before going back to class. When the classes were over we went to the dining room to eat lunch, and after going up to our rooms to…


Hello parents! Yesterday at English Summer SA Poblet we woke up in the morning without Froggy Games and had an English style super special breakfast, with scrambled eggs and bacon. It was a very energizing breakfast that helped us get ready to go to class and start the day on the right mood. After tiding up our rooms we went to our English classes pumped to learn the lesson of the day. At 11:30 we got our break from classes and had the possibility to eat a piece of fruit, and then went back to class. At lunch we had lentils soup with sauced…