campamentosdeTamarit | TAMARIT

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Hello everyone! Hope you are all following the amazing days your kids are spending in this 5th term in Tamarit. Today we have more activities, funniest party and better English. Yesterday we had one of the most profitable days of this term! During the classes, the kids in class 15 (FCE level) learned about the animals in danger and the importance of enviroment preservation. They also start preparing the song of the term to show to all of you the last day of the term. In theafternoon, the kids could go to the beach while some of the most adventured got…


Good morning! We are glad to announce that the sun is finally shinning from early morning so our mood is extremely good right now. First of all we would like to tell you the English levels: – From class 1 to 5 is level «Starters» – From class 6 to 7 is level «Movers» – From class 8 to 9 is level «Flyers» – From class 10 to 11 is level «KET» – From class 12 to 13 is level «PET» – Class 14 is between  levels «PET» and «FCE» – Class 15 is level «FCE» On the other hand,…


¡Buenos días padres! Cada día tenemos más presente que el turno se está acabando, ya no tenemos ganas de estar en la cama por la mañana, queremos ir a disfrutar de los últimos días que nos en los campamentos. Ayer fue la vuelta a la rutina, los niños pudieron volver a disfrutar de sus queridos teachers. Por la mañana, los alumnos tuvieron clase, durante las que prepararon el teatro de fin de curso. A la hora del patio se podían ver algunos que revisaban sus guiones. Cuando salieron de clase a las 11h30, una manada de niños esperaban delante de…