English Summer camps | POBLET

Posts Tagged“English Summer camps”


Hi parents!!! Yesterday, our students woke up and those who were leaving Poblet Summer Camp because they have been living in the house for 3 weeks, made their suitcases and prepared all their stuff to leave the house in the afternoon. After having breakfast, all the students went to class and made their english exam, this exam is the final one because they wouldn’t have more classes. They all had lunch and after the last class, they played olympics. While our 3C students were playing the olympics, those who were leaving, prepared the check out ceremony and our dance camp…


Good morning parents! Yesterday, as every day in English Summer SA Camps, our students woke up at 08:00 and went play the »Froggy Games». Those, are made for our students to start the day with happiness and a lot of energy! After playing them, they went have breakfast and after brushing their theeth, they went to class. After a morning full of English, they went have lunch with their monitors and teachers: they ate while they were having some interesting conversations with their theachers and mates. When they finished their lunch, they went to the last class of the day and…

Captura de pantalla 2018-07-05 a les 12.29.26

Good morning mums and dads! After a long wait, yesterday one of the most special days of the term arrived , which we had been waiting for since the begining of our stay here: the Formal Dress night! We started off the day by playing the Froggy Games, some fun activities which help us to start the day with a lot of energy and a smile. Then, we went to the dining room with our group of monitor to have breakfast. After breakfast time, all students went to their respective classes. The Multiactivity and Chef camp kids went to their…

Captura de pantalla 2018-07-04 a les 12.28.40

Good morning parents! Yesterday, Tuesday the 2nd, we woke up with a glorious sunshine in our English Summer Camp La Capella! We had breakfast and we prepared to go to class. After having breakfast, Kids Fashion Camp kids went to their fashion classes and Multiactivity and Chef Camp kids went to their English classes. As usual, they did an hour and a half class, a half an hour break, during which they had the opportunity to call their parents and buy in the bar, and an hour and a half class.  Later, when we had finished our lunch, all the…


Buenos días mamás y papás! Hace mucho calor aquí en La Capella, y todos los niños están disfrutando mucho del sol, sobretodo en la piscina. Ayer estaban un poco nerviosos porque tenían examen de inglés, pero a pesar de todo, lo hicieron muy bien, y en breves sabrán los resultados. Además de esto, durante el recreo jugaron algunas de las finales del campeonato del mundo, que están muy igualadas. Después de este examen a la mañana y de la clase de inglés de la tarde todos tenían muchísimas ganas de darse un baño, y cargados de flotadores y música, nos…


Good morning parents! Yesterday was one of the most special days of the term, a day which we had been waiting for since the beggining of our stay in English Summer‘s summer camp: the Froggy Awards Night, also known as the Oscars. We started off the day with the Froggy Games and, when we had finished, we went to the dinning room to have breakfast. At 10h, as usual, all the students went to their English classes. At the same time, the kids from Kids Fashion Camp went to their classes. They learned how to pose and how to do different…


Good night parents! Yesterday was an amazing day in La Capella! When we woke up, all the students started the Froggy Games and, when the fun activities ended, we went to the dining room to have breakfast. We were so hungry! At 10h we went back to English class and the second lesson of the day started after the half an hour break. At 13:30 we all went to the dining room with our monitors to have lunch. When the day’s last English class ended, we went to our rooms to get changed to go to the swimming pool! When we came back we…


Good morning parents! Hoy nuestros alumnos  han empezado a asistir a las clases de inglés. La división de los alumnos en sus respectivos niveles se realizó tras la corrección de los exámenes que hicieron el primer día del turno. Les adjuntamos la carta el director de estudios: Dear Parents, Your children have now completed their placement test and we have now allocated the levels. Once again we have noticed very high levels even amongst our youngest students. We divide our students into the Cambridge levels which follow the European Framework for Languages. Please remember that various classes are at the same level…

English Summer Martes 23 5791

Good morning parents!, Yesterday we woke up and we went to the dining room to have breakfast… still in our pyjamas! That was due to it was Pyjamas special breakfast. After eating, we went to brush our teeth and, at 10:00, it was time to go to class! At 13:30h, the bell rang to indicate the end of the second class of the day. We had lunch and, at 15h, we went back to English class! When the last class of the day ended we went to the swimming pool. It was amazing!  At snack time we welcomed six little pink ladies…