POBLET | Campamentos de inglés en verano, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero y academia de idiomas | Página 8


Good Morning parents!!! Yesterday we started a usual English Summer SA Camp routine in which we did a lot of different activities. We started the day with froggy games right after waking up. These games are used to activate our bodies in the morning and it also help us to meet new people of different teams which is great!!! After having a lot of fun doing sport we had breakfast and we got ready for our first English Lessons. The Director of studies was the one who told us in which class each one of us had to go to…


Good Morning parents!!! Yesterday at English Summer Camp of Poblet, after you said goodbye to your kids they did the English Exam so that they can later on be divided by classes in which they are going to learn a lot!!! Right after, we all got together by monitors to start knowing more of each other but also to choose in which sports we would like to participate for the world championship. A competition of three different sports (badminton, chess and table tennis) in which students can earn points for their Olympic team!!! With the monitor groups we played to…


Hi parents!!! Yesterday, our students woke up and those who were leaving Poblet Summer Camp because they have been living in the house for 3 weeks, made their suitcases and prepared all their stuff to leave the house in the afternoon. After having breakfast, all the students went to class and made their english exam, this exam is the final one because they wouldn’t have more classes. They all had lunch and after the last class, they played olympics. While our 3C students were playing the olympics, those who were leaving, prepared the check out ceremony and our dance camp…


Hi everyone! Yesterday, our students had to say goodbye to those students who have been here for 3 weeks… Kids woke up later than normal days because it was the last »special breakfast»: they had an english breakfast with fried eggs, bacon…When they finished brushing their theeth, they went to class and after a break, they carried on with their english lessons and finally, they had lunch. After some free time, they went to the last english class of the day and then, they started to play Clubs. They built a lego city, a bridge, a car… They only needed…


Good morning parents! Yesterday, as every day in English Summer SA Camps, our students woke up at 08:00 and went play the »Froggy Games». Those, are made for our students to start the day with happiness and a lot of energy! After playing them, they went have breakfast and after brushing their theeth, they went to class. After a morning full of English, they went have lunch with their monitors and teachers: they ate while they were having some interesting conversations with their theachers and mates. When they finished their lunch, they went to the last class of the day and…


Hi parents! Yesterday, our students had an especial morning: they didn’t played Froggy Games so they had more time to sleep. It was »special breakfast», this means that kids have breakfast differently, for example, outdoors. After having their breakfast and brushing their teeth, our students went to class. Those students who were doing the PET Exam, woke up earlier and went do the exam, so they didn’t assisted to class in the morning. Our students had lunch and wait next class to start. While they were waiting, they played the World Championship. This competition is played by our students during…


Hi parents! English Summer SA students are all very excited about this term!!! Yesterday, it was »photos day» so all along the day, they took the pictures with their monitor group, with the classmates and finally all together. In the morning, they played froggy games before having breakfast and after brushing their theeth, they went to class for the first time here in Poblet. They met their new teachers and classmates. During the first and second hour of english, our kids started with grammar excersises and after having lunch, they attended to the last class of the day. This last hour…


Good morning parents! Yesterday was the first day of this English Summer Camp: our students arrived to the camp and met their mates, as well as teachers and the whole staff. When all our kids were finally in Poblet, they all had lunch and afterwards, they went to the garden steps and assisted to a little show of their monitors and teachers, it was a little presentation of every member of this amazing staff before starting the english test. Before having their snack, they all went to the basketball court and our directors made a speech about the rules of…


Hi parents! Today is the last day of our students in English Summer Poblet. We are all so nostalgic… This term has been incredible: 2 weeks full of energy, smiles, parties, sports, english… Our students have been preparing their suitcases all the morning long and, after that, they have been practicing the term song with the teachers. They all want to stay here in Poblet, so they have made lots of new friends that will probably stay there for a long time! During the closing ceremony, our students have been awarded and all our parents and kids have said goodbye…


Hi parents! This amazing term is now almost finished. Yesterday, our students finished their english lessons and played the last Olympic matches. They also played their last clubs and our horseriders also went to horseriding. As everyday in English Summer SA, they went to the swimming pool and they played and danced for the last time this summer! During the day, they practiced the term song with their teachers and wrote some »heart-notes» for their friends. After having dinner, they all went to the basketball court. Our last party »Love and Friends» started with a video showimg some photos of…