campamentos de verano | POBLET | Página 2

Posts Tagged“campamentos de verano”

2019 - 2020 - 2021

Good morning parents! Yesterday was a very fun day! We woke up at 8:30 and had a delicious breakfast with cereals, fruit, bread, croissants, milk and more! ¡Ayer fue un día muy divertido! Nos levantamos a las 8:30 y tomamos un desayuno riquísimo con cereales, fruta, pan, cruasanes, leche ¡y muchas más cosas! After breakfast, Kids Fashion Camp students started their introduction to the World of Fashion activities like hairdressing and photography. They had a lot of fun the entire morning! Después de desayunar, los alumnos de Kids Fashion Camp empezaron con una mañana llena de actividades de introducción al…


Good morning parents! ¡Buenos días padres! Yesterday in English Summer SA Poblet’s camp we had a special breakfast in which the eating condition was to wear our clothes upside down! Afterwards we changed to our casual clothes to go to our English Lessons!!! Ayer en English Summer SA Poblet tuvimos un desayuno especial ¡donde la condición era desayunar con la ropa del revés! When we finish our lunch time and the last English class we went to the swimming pool to have fun, during this days the temperature is increasing and we need to be protect from that. Cuando acabámos la comida y la…


Good Morning families! Buenos días familias!  On Thursday, June 27th we started our day by enjoying a wonderful British breakfast! We had plenty of delicious food such as: baked beans, scrambled egg, sausages and many more. El jueves día 27 de junio empezamos nuestra mañana comiendo un maravilloso desayuno inglés! Teníamos de todo: judías cocidas con huevos revueltos y salchichas.  After attending our English classes we headed to the pool where we had a lot of fun. When we got back to our home, Poblet, our monitors surprised us with a water balloon fight! Everyone took loads of water balloons…


Good Morning, parents! Buenos días papás y mamás! Yesterday, Poblet’s house was prepared for all the kids who were excited to experience something new. Leaving their families behind, the adventure began. Ayer, la Finca de Poblet estaba preparada para todos los niños que estaban emocionados para vivir una experiencia nueva. Dejando a la familia atrás, la aventura empezó. Once the check-in was done, the kids were called to the grandstand in order to explain house rules in which they begin with the words respect and enthusiasm as their lead in to learning English.  Una vez el check-in se realizó, los niños fueron llamados…

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Good morning everyone! ¡Buenos días a todos! On Tuesday, June 25th, we began our day by taking the most beautiful group pictures! ¡El martes 25 de junio empezamos el día haciéndonos fotos de grupo! First, we took pictures with our monitors, and then the teachers joined us, as well. All of the kids were wearing the white English Summer t-shirts, while the monitors, teachers and MPs wore their respective navy blue and red polos. Primero, nos hicimos fotos con nuestros monitores y luego se unieron los profesores de inglés. Todos los niños llevaban la camiseta blanca de English Summer mientras…


Good Morning!! Yesterday we had an amazing wednesday in the camp! We woke up early to do Froggy games, we had breakfast, we brushed our teeth and we went to English Classes. At lunch time while we were eating, three mexican boys came to the dinning room and invited us to a party at night where kids had to choose a team, Guacamole team and Frijolito team. In the afternoon, we had more English Classes and after it, as it was raining outside, we played a roll-playing game called DON’T PANIC where the kids had to come to a check point where…


Happy Wednesday! Yesterday it was another funny day in Poblet. We woke up later than usual because we didn’t have Froggy Games, so we started the day with an English breakfast and wearing our pyjamas!! The breakfast included bacon, eggs, sausages, beans… it was delicious! After it, we went back to our rooms to change the clothes, tidy up the bedroom and make the bed before going to class. In the afternoon, in the Clubs activity we had Buggy Construction and The floor is lava: problem solving activities where we had to build a buggy with some materials with our team…


Happy day everyone! Yesterday at English Summer SA Poblet it was a very special day: Formal dress Party. We woke up later than normally in the morning because we did not have froggy games. It was Special Breakfast Day too, so we had our breakfast in the garden of the house. Instead of the food we normally eat in the morning we had bakeries: ensaimadas, napolitanas and doughnuts. Everything tasted very good. After charging our batteries to face the long day ahead, we went upstairs to brush our teeth and tidy up our rooms to get them ready for the daily room…


Good morning everyone! Yesterday at English Summer SA Poblet we woke up in the morning and met all the students at the meeting point to start the day with the great Froggy Games! Afterwards, we had breakfast and went to our rooms to tidy them up a little bit before going to our english classes, like every morning. After our classes we had a break and had some time to rest up and eat something before going back to class. When the classes were over we went to the dining room to eat lunch, and after going up to our rooms to…


Good morning everyone! Yesterday at English Summer SA Poblet we kicked off the day without froggy games and sleeping in a Little bit, getting ready to finish packing and say our last goodbyes to the Friends that were leaving the Camp. When the closing ceremony started, the students picked up their diplomas from the World Championship. Then we left the front house area for the soccer field in the upper part of the house to start Athletics. There the  students had another opportunity to get points for their Olympics team and show off their abilities in tryouts such as long jump,…