Campamentos de inglés 19T56 (Multiactividad + English Alive Camp) | TAMARIT

Browsing CategoryCampamentos de inglés 19T56 (Multiactividad + English Alive Camp)


Buenos días familia! Hoy es un día triste porque despedimos a nuestro querido campamento de inglés 5T… pero a la vez un día fabuloso ya que damos la bienvenida a la familia del 6T! Por la mañana los niños y niñas a las 10 han practicado la clausura para el check-out todos juntos tanto los que se quedan como los niños que se van, se han despedido unos de otros y los que se quedan del 5T al 6T se han ido a las 10:30 de excursión a los acantilados de Tamarit. Al mismo tiempo nos despedíamos del 5T, a…


Hello parents!! As usually, the kids started the morning eating breakfast and going to their English classes. After having lunch, all the students put on the team t-shirt for taking a picture with their teams. In the afternoon, the 1st and 4th sitting went to the swimming pool and then did clubs. The 2nd and 3rd sitting went to the beach… ¡cómo nos gusta refrescarnos en el agua! At 6pm the students ate a snack for taking energy for the Olympics. They always have so much fun! ¡¡Los gritos de animación se escuchaban por todo el campamento!! After shower time,…


Muy buenos días a todos!! Yesterday, the meteorologic conditions weren’t very favorable, but that didn’t let us down. Fue un día de improvisación, adaptando las actividades en las zonas cubiertas. Los niños se adaptaron y siguieron el ritmo con entusiasmo. In the morning, they had their english classes and ate a delicious lunch. By the time of the fourth hour of class, it started to rain a lot so the monitors prepared a variety of activities for the afternoon. At 4pm we divided the kids by groups of monitor. The ones that are in the 1st and 2nd sitting did…


Good morning parents!! Yesterday morning, after going to the English classes, we ate a very good lunch by sittings. At 3pm the students had another hour of class, but this time they did dinamic activities with their teachers. En algunas clases prepararon teatros, también hicieron actividades con las tablets… ¡y muchas cosas más! A las 16:00, nos dividimos por grupos de monitores. The groups of the 1st and 4th sitting went to the beach and the groups of the 2nd and 3rd sitting did very fun clubs and went to the swimming pool. We had so much fun!! Later, at…


Good morning everyone!, ¡Buenos días a todos/as! Yesterday, we started the last week of this fantastic term, but for some of the kids was the first day at English Summer Camp. ¡Había muchos nervios y emoción por parte de todos! In first place, we had the check-in of the new students, where all the parents and the kids met their monitor. It was a pleasure for us having you all there! Secondly, they had an exam for proving their level so the teachers can assign the students to the different classes. La prueba de nivel estuvo adaptada a los alumnos…