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Posts Written Byenglishsummer

WhatsApp Image 2019-08-16 at 11.14.00(2)

Good morning parents!! Today is the big day! It’s the Froggy awards night. Esta mañana nos hemos levantado y hemos hecho un outdoor breakfast. Durante el desayuno hemos bailado al ritmo de la mejor música con nuestros monitores y Mp’s. Son casi las diez, los niños se han lavado los dientes y están ready para ir a clase. Quedan pocos días para el examen y los nervios se notan, pero estamos seguros que harán el examen lo mejor posible. We believe in you guys! Durante el recreo de media mañana aprovechamos para jugar el World Championships y avanzar el English…

WhatsApp Image 2019-08-15 at 11.17.10

Good morning parents! Como cada día hemos despertados a nuestros niños con nuestras mejores sonrisas y alegrías. Esta mañana hemos realizado mornings para poder estar activos al largo del dia. Después de desayunar y lavarnos los dientes fuimos a clase. Después de el break volvimos a clase y después a comer. It’s impossible to face the whole evening of activities without having a good lunch, it was so delicious. Once we finished the evenning class, we got changed into our swimsuits and went to the swimming pool. En la piscina pudimos jugar a palas, saltar junto nuestros MP’s y monitores.…


Wakey wakey rise and shine parents! Esta mañana no ha habido actividades mañaneras porque hemos tenido un desayuno especial. English breakfast! We had eggs, bacon, sausages and beans. Cuando terminamos de desayunar nos fuimos a las habitaciones a ponernos las camisetas blancas del campamento, ya que es el día de fotos. Cada alumno fue con su monitor y MP a hacerse una foto y después hicimos una foto grupal con monitores, teachers, Mp’s y directivos. Say froggy!!! During the English clases, our students took pictures with their respectives teachers and classmates. During free time, students have to play the world championship…


Good morning parents! Hoy han dado comienzo las clases de inglés y todo el mundo esta deseando empezar a aprender el máximo y conocer a nueva gente y todos sus teachers. As you may know, this term works different and the students are going to rotate with all the teachers and do some projects which will improve their skills. Por la mañana fuimos a nuestras clases a conocer nuestros respectivos teachers y compañeros. Tuvimos un pequeño break donde pudimos comer algo de fruta y disfrutar jugando con nuestros compañeros, monitores y Mp’s. Al terminar volvimos a clase, y al acabar…

WhatsApp Image 2019-08-13 at 17.03.34

Hello there parents! Today is the day! El sol brilla en Vallclara. Hoy es el primer día en los campamentos de English Summer. ¡Esperar todo el año ha dado sus frutos! We have everything ready to start the term, the only thing that is missing is you. Here we go! A las cuatro de la tarde, los niños y  las familias han empezado a llegar. We were looking forward to meet you! Después de conocernos, darnos dos besos y un abrazo, instalarnos en las habitaciones y pasar por el check-in, nos hemos reunido delante de las gradas todo el turno. Bye, bye parents! Tras las presentaciones…


Dear Parents the term is nearly finished and all the students are enjoying so much the last days in Vallclara, we are having an amazing parties and moments all together. Yesterday we had another incredible day, we started having an outdoor breakfast where all the kids were eating all the bakery and juices we prepared for them. Everyone had a place around the garden to be with their friends and have breakfast together. Here in English Summer, on Fridays is Exam day and all the students were a little bit nervious to see how would go. We know they did…


Hello to everyone!! Welcome back to our blog. Today’s post we’ll be explaining the incredible day we had yesterday. We started the day by having an especial breakfast, we had a pijama’s breakfast!!! Everyone was wearing their pijamas in the dinning room and it was so funny!! Afterwards the day was progressing normally, we did the English classes, then we had lunch and finally it was swimming pool time. We had a surprise before going to the pool, it was time for the floam party!!! We went to the tennis court and we put music and of course the floam!…


Good morning to all of you!!! Hope you are having a nice week, here in vallclara we are amazed on how good everything is going. Yesterday it was a really warm day so we were all day hydriting ourselves and being all day in the shade. The day started warming up with the super cool Froggy Games at 8:15 0’clock in the morning. We did the everday schedule, English classes, Clubs, and…. instead of doing the olympic games, we did Athletics!!   After coming from the clubs, we did some disciplines such as javelin, long jump, shot put and activity…


Hello to everyone!! welcome back to our everyday new blog! Here in vallclara the temperature has increased a little bit but this won’t stop us to keep having fun as always. Yesterday, the day started really calm with a special breakfast, we did a silence breakfast so everyone stayed in silence in the dinning room. they did it really well. Afterwords the day continued as always, at 10:00h the first class, then a lillte break to have a snack that it can be either a fruit or something from the bar. Later we had lunch and we ate checkpeas and…


Good Morning to all of you!! I hope you are having a great summer. Here in vallclara the new term of our summer camps has started and the new students started the English classes. The kids that were here from last week it has been a lillte bit harder to start over again the classes after the amazing weekend that we had however they are having lot of fun!! Yesterday’s party was the olympic night party! It’s always one of the firsts parties because the sports team have the oportunity to meet each other and do team-building. The day strated…