POBLET | Campamentos de inglés en verano, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero y academia de idiomas | Página 9


Hi parents!!! Our term is almost finished! Yesterday in Poblet, our students as everyday in the camp, woke up, played froggy games, had breakfast and prepared the english exam. After having lunch and their last english class of the day, they played clubs. Everyday, our students play some clubs that are always changing and after that; they eat their snack and go play Olympic Games and support their teams. After the pool time, they all came back to the house and had a shower: they were so excited because it was the Formal Dress Night. Our students dressed up with…


Hello parents! Our second week of this 2C is being very cool! Yesterday, our students had breakfast with teams and after brushing their teeth and doing their lessons, as everyday in this English Summer Camps, they had lunch with their groups. Kids played »clubs»: this week, they are playing different ones such as lego building, construct a car with some materials like wood sticks… After eating their snack, they played Olympics doing their best: they all know that this sports competition is almost finished and they want to be the winner team. The pool time was different yesterday: it was a…


Good morning! Yesterday, our students started their english lessons in the best summer camp ever after the weekend. Some of them changed their class depending on their improvement and exam results. They woke up and went play froggy games, but it started to rain: they came back to their bedrooms and tidy them up until the breakfast time. After their english lessons, they had lunch and the »T-birds» with their leader Danny Zuko, visited the dining room and danced for our students. In the afternoon, kids played clubs and some of them went visit »el monestir de Poblet»: they learned lots…


Hi everyone! Weekends in English Summer SA start always with a trip to PortAventura or Costa Caribe! On Saturday, our students woke up early and after having their breakfast, they got on a bus and went to Portaventura. Those who didn’t choose this excursion, went to Vallclara and played with the students that were there. In PortAventura, our students had a super day, as in Costa Caribe: they enjoyed a lot all the rollercoasters and arrived to Poblet so tired! Here in La Capella, they got a shower and had a delicious barbecue outdoors and after that, they went to sleep.…


Good morning parents! Friday was an amazing day in Poblet! As everyday in English Summer SA, our students woke up and after Froggy games, they went to the dining room ate their breakfast and then went to the last class of the week. They had to do their english test to check if they are improving their english level. Most of the students told us that the exam went well! After having lunch and a break, they played clubs and olympics! Our teams are getting more competitive because the end of the term will arrive soon. After a good time…


Good morning parents! This first week is almost over and our students are enjoying this term a lot. As everyday in English Summer SA Summer Camp, students woke up and put their clothes differently: it was the »reverse breakfast». After tidying up the room, brushing their teeth and playing a little bit, they went to class. Yesterday was the last day to prepare the exam because on Friday, all the students are doing an exam to check if they are improving their level. They ate a snack and carried on with the lessons, they had lunch and afterwards, they played…


Hello parents! Yesterday, our students woke up and played froggy games before having breakfast. Como hemos explicado en anteriores ocasiones, estos juegos se realizan antes de desayunar para activarnos con entusiasmo de buena mañana. De este modo, ¡es imposible levantarse con el pie izquierdo! After eating something and brushing their teeth, they went to class. Algunos de nuestros alumnos se están preparando para examinarse del PET y el FCE, as official exams are coming, our students are studying for them with lots of energy during the lessons! Por supuesto, también hay tiempo de divertirse en nuestros campamentos de verano en inglés. As…


Hi everyone!! Yesterday, our kids woke up and had their breakfast outdoors, IN THE GARDEN! Nada como respirar aire fresco de buena mañana para acabar de despertarnos del todo. After this special breakfast, as everyday, they went to brush their teeth and afterwards, the first hour of class started. From the morning until the party, our kids had their photos taken with their group mates, friends… We made a photo of all the kids and members of this 2C term. After lunch, they went to the last english lesson. When they finished the lesson, our students started with the »Clubs»: some…


Hi parents! Our students have just started the term in English Summer Camp in Poblet! So yesterday the monitors told them which classes they were: all the kids attended class and met their teachers and classmates. During the break, they ate snack and continued with the lessons until lunch time. In the afternoon, our students played »Clubs»: these are some rotation activities that are played everyday.  During the week, students will go to the mountain for a trip, they will play traditional games… They also met their olympic team and their coaches: all together, they created a chant and a…


Hi everyone! Yesterday, our students arrived at Poblet and after having a delicious lunch, they carried on doing the level test. This test shows the level of each student so teachers can make their classes. After that, students ate their snack and went with their monitor for getting to know each other: they played some dynamic games, they talked about themselves… Before having a shower, all the kids went to the swimming pool: they had an amazing time there and they started to meet new people while they were playing. When all the students had showered, they had dinner and…