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Hey heyyyy! Yesterday, Sunday, we woke up a little later than normal. After having breakfast, we had a room inspection. Just as you might expect, the directors checked all the rooms in order to see if everything was tidied up. The guys knew how demanding they were and were prepared to meet their demands. Their rooms were almost like the first day. After having breakfast, we began to prepare the “Tamarit’s got Talent” show, a party where the children have all the starring roles, and are put in the spotlight! They organized performances in groups to present it in front…

Welcome to week 2 familes!! As you know, yesterday we spent the day at Port Aventura. The kids woke up very early and had an energetic breakfast to charge their batteries for a long day. We got into the parks, both Costa Caribe and Port Aventura, by 10 am and surprisingly there were no big crowds or long cues. The kids were divided into differrent groups taking into account the room numbers, accompanied by their respective monitors. The older ones enjoyed the most impresive rides such as Dragon Khan, Shambala, Hurakan Condor, Furius Baco and others, while the little ones spent most…

Hey hey everybody! We begin a new day with charged batteries in this summer camps. Yesterday was a special day for one of our students: Happy birthday Inés! We hope you enjoyed the day! ————————————————————————————————————————- ¡Buenas a todos! Empezamos un nuevo día con las pilas cargadas en estos campamentos de verano. Ayer fue un día especial para una de nuestras alumnas: ¡¡¡Feliz cumpleaños,  Inés Berruezo !!! The kids were a little bit nervous about the English test that they had to do in their 3 to 4 class. This exam would guide their teacher to evaluate their level and progress during the week.…

Good morning everyone, it’s another day of this wonderful third term in English Summer Tamarit! Yesterday, we woke up to the rhythm of music at a quarter to nine, and the monitors had a big surprise for our students. The breakfast was going to be something different: we would not have breakfast in the dining room… but outdoors! They all really enjoyed the experience, it was definitely a good time all together. Following the schedule, the students went to class to clarify doubts and concepts before doing the week’s test. This test will allow us to know the progress of…

Tamarit-playa tallada

Queridos papás y mamás, Un año más os damos la bienvenida al blog de vuestro campamento de verano en English Summer S.A. Durante los próximos días les informaremos de todo lo que está pasando en el turnos de Tamarit mediante este blog de una manera fácil, rápida y eficaz. Conoceréis al detalle la vida dentro de los campamentos de verano. Cada mañana, un monitor del campamento publicará un post explicando todo lo ocurrido el día anterior. Los posts informaran de las clases de inglés, de las diferentes actividades que han realizado durante el día, de las distintas manualidades realizadas, del transcurso de las fiestas…


 TENNIS CAMP Siguiendo con los posts sobre los distintos campamentos temáticos del pasado verano en English Summer S.A., hoy queremos hablar del Campamento de inglés + Tenis que se realizó en Tamarit del 2 al 14 de agosto. Centro dónde se realizó el campamento: Tamarit Edades: De 7 a 15 años. Éste es un campamento que combina 3 horas de clases de inglés diarias por la mañana con un curso de tenis en el club Tennis de Cala Romana (Tarragona). Las clases se realizan por la tarde y son impartidas por profesores especializados. El objetivo es mejorar la técnica y el nivel de…

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El pasado verano 2015, English Summer S.A. apostó por ofrecer a nuestros alumnos una nueva opción de campamentos de verano a parte del campamento de inglés original, se trata de los campamentos temáticos. Este nuevo reto nacía debido a los nuevos gustos e intereses de niños y niñas además de querer ofrecer opciones nuevas a los alumnos llevan muchos años viniendo cada verano, aunque muchos de ellos siguen eligiendo la opción de toda la vida. Durante todo el verano se realizaron un total de 10 campamentos temáticos repartidos entre nuestros 5 centros según sus características y fechas. Alrededor de 200…


Buenos días papás y mamás, El turno está yendo genial! Los niños y niñas del campamento de verano ya se han adaptado al ritmo del turno. Las clases en principio ya se mantendrán hasta final de semana, así que aquí os dejamos la relación clase-nivel: Class 1 – 0B – Starters Class 2 – 1A – Starters Class 3 – 1A/1B – Starters Class 4 – 1A/1B – Starters Class 5 – 1A/1B – Starters/ Class 6 – 1B/2A – Flyers Class 7 – 1B/2A – Flyers Class 8 – 1B/2A – Flyers Class 9 – 2A – KET Class…


Good morning everyone! Today is the last complete day for some of the children in Tamarit because tomorrow we have again a check-out (finishing terms 15T50 and 15T52). Yesterday we had a very intense day, from early morning everything was working for the Oscar’s Night. The kids were organising the tables and the couples and the monitors started to list their nominations for the different awards. The Sea Garden became step by step an enormous dinning room, with rounded tables and also a few little ones for VIP couples. While this magic was gliding arount the house of Tamarit, the…


Hello parents! We are glad to sum up another day full of English in our special 5T. Yesterday all our kids moved from Tamarit to the school of Hogwarts, to welcome a new school year. The dinning room became the incredible Great Hall of the famous school of magicians. First of all, during lunch time, the Sorting Hat distributed the diferent teams in the four houses: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Then, at night, the teachers did a theatre play were they explained the fatal end of Dumbledore and asked the students of Hogwarts to help them by finding all the…