Campamento de inglés 19V14 | Blog Vallclara

Browsing CategoryCampamento de inglés 19V14


Good morning everyone! Hope you have a very nice day, here in Vallclara it has been so shinny and fresh. The kids woke up really happy and excited to start the new day that was coming. Once everyone was freshed up and ready, it was time to do the Froggy games, each sports groups that are the Bears, Bees, Dolphins, Eagles, Foxes, the Geese, Snakes and Turtles did some Activities to activate all of them. By 9 a.m it was breakfast time, they enjoyed all the croissants and cereals they had and they were able to choose whatever juice or…


Hello everyone!! Welcome to Vallclara’s blog, here we’ll be posting everyday the activities and the highlights of the day. You will be able to see all the potos that we take every day in your Costumer Area. You can also follow us in our social networks as Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. As soon you, parents, left your children with us, they went with their teachers to do the level exam. Once they finished, the groups monitors got reunited to start knowing each other better. At 20:30 it was dinner time. During the meals the kids have an English teacher to encourage them…

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Good morning parents!! On these beautiful day we woke up with a lot of energy!! We had breakfast and we were ready to start the day. Nos ordenamos las habitaciones y nos fuimos a clase de inglés, pues no teníamos tiempo que perder. Nos lo pasamos en grande la clase de inglés con las teachers. After english class we went directly to dinnig room to eat the amazing lunch the coockers had prepared for us. We refill our stamchs and we were free to go and have some free time. Al acabar nuestro tiempo libre volvimos a clase donde nos…

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Hello parents!! After a great sleep we woke up full of energy and with a lot of hunger. So we dressed up and went to the dinning room to have breakfast and get ready for the day. Later on, like every day, we had a very entretaining and interesting english class with our favorite teachers. It was so much fun!!! Mientras iba pasando la mañana e intercalábamos clase de inglés y un poco de free time pudimos jugar algunos de los últimos partidos del World Championship. ¡¡Empiezan a quedar muy pocos partidos y los partidos están candentes!! It was midday…

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Good morning parents!! The sun was rising and we woke up ready for the action. We dressed up and we went to the dinning room to have an amazing breakfast. Al salir del desayuno con el depósito lleno nos fuimos con las teachers que nos estaban esperando para tener una fantástica clase para demostrar nuestro nivel de ingles y demostrar todo lo que estamos aprendiendo. After class we had the nutritive and delicious lunch our coockers prepared for us. Nos vestimos para ir a la piscina, pero lo que no sabíamos es que no sería una piscina normal… Tuvimos una…


Hello parents!! Yesterday we woke up and we activated ourselfs with some Froggy games to promote cooperation and friendship. Nada mas acabar y con toda la activación que nos dieron los Froggy Games desayunamos un nutritivo y delicioso desayuno y aprovechamos el rato libre que teníamos hasta empezar clase para lavarnos los dientes, hacer la cama y arreglar la habitación. Later on we went to English class to keep learning english the funnier way posible! Cuando salimos de clase nos fuimos a comer y seguidamente tuvimos free time donde pudimos competir en nuestros World Championship. After that we played really…


Good morning parents!! We woke up at 9:00 am. The first thing we did was having breakfast. Justo después del desayuno tuvimos que ir a nuestras habitaciones para arreglarlas porque tuvimos… Room Inspection!!!! The oficial room inspectors did the inspection and after that we had some free time to go to the bar and call our parents with the phones. Después del tiempo libre nos reunimos por equipos y hicimos diversas pruebas típicas de las olimpiadas compitiendo contra los otros equipos. Los Athletics fueron un éxito. ¡¡Nos apoyamos mucho con nuestros compañeros y nos lo pasamos genial!! Later on we…


Hello parents!! We woke up this morning with a lot of energy!!! The first thing we did after dressing up was having an amazing breakfast to get energy for the rest of the day. ¡Nada más salir del desayuno nos encontramos a nuestro fotógrafo favorito, Dani!!!!!!!! Que nos hizo unas fotos espectaculares con nuestros monitores, MP’s y Teachers. Esperemos que os gusten cuando las veáis. After the fotos, like the other days we went to class the learn some english and have some fun with our friends. Después de clase y del patio nos fuimos a comer para volver a…

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Good morning parents!! We started the day with a lot of strengh!! We woke up, stretch up and played some Froggy Games! A lot of team effort and cooperation to start the day! ¡Nos comimos con afán el desayuno y nos fuimos a lavar los dientes y a arreglar nuestras habitaciones para afrontar el día con muchas fuerzas! Then we went class to learn some english and have a lot of fun!! Pudimos aprender con las magnificas teachers que nos ayudan en todo momento con cualquier duda que tengamos. Lunch was waiting for us after class. We had this amazing…


Hello parents!! This morning we wake up and had some breakfast. We were really hungry and we needed to recharge our energy. Nada mas salir del desayuno nos fuimos directo a las habitaciones nos lavamos los dientes y arreglamos las habitaciones. Todos estamos aprendiendo la importancia de tener una rutina de hacerse la cama y tener la habitación limpia. After cleaning our room we had some free time to play with our friends and then we get to learn English in class. We went to the dinning room to have some lunch and we enjoyed the amazing food the coockers…